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Two winter sprites laughed and sped along at breakneck speed on the wind. They spun and dropped down in steep drops randomly, shrieking all the way. The sprites did one last dip, diving toward the ground, pulling up just before they hit the dirt.

Crystal collapsed on her back, giggling on the ground. Jack just laughed at her before offering the end of his staff for her to hold on to. He pulled her up, and started to drag her around while her hand was still on the smooth wood.

"Where are we going this time, Oh Great Winter King?" She spoke up, adding only a hint of sarcasm to her statement.

"Humble peasant," he said, playing along. "You shall see. "

She resisted a laugh and let him tote her around. Soon enough, they reached a second story window, floating in mid-air around it. Jack pushed it open.

"Jack!" She protested, not bothering to keep her voice down. "You can't just go into people's rooms! That's called being a stalker!"

He shushed her, mouthing 'trust me'. She grumbled but went after him into the room.

They were in a child's bedroom, that was obvious. Crayon pictures littered the walls, and random objects were strewn everywhere. Jack crept over to the bed, leaning over the child sleeping there.


He placed a finger to his lips, miming for her to be quiet. Then he moved to shake the child.

"Jack!" she called out in warning.

But his hands didn't go through the sleeping kid, instead moving to shake him awake.

The kid sat up and blinked sleep out of his eyes, looking around before his eyes landed on Jack. He launched himself forward and tackled the Winter King in a hug.

Oh. Okay.

Jack laughed, hugging the kid back before he pulled away.

"Hey kiddo. Did you miss me?"

"Jack!" the kid cried indignantly.

"Right, right, of course you did. Anyways, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

"A spirit?"

"Yea. Her name is Crystal Winters, and she's standing right over there." Jack pointed to where she was standing. The kid turned, revealing the smiling face of one Jamie Bennet.

"Hi! I'm Jamie, and you probably already know Jack. Are you a new spirit? Ohhhh, what are your powers?"

"Errr..." she said, surprised. "You can see me, just like that?"
Jamie nodded. Jack laughed and said "We don't call him the last light for nothing, do we?"

"Right, right-wait, what? You've got to tell me that story." She said, rounding on Jack.

"Yes! STORY TIME!" Jamie pumped his fist in the air, a grin lighting up his face.

"Yea, actually, that's a good idea."

They sat down on the carpet and began to tell their stories.

And, as dawn began to break and the warmth of the sun started to shine on the wintery wonderland that the winter sprites had created, their laughter could be heard throughout the house. 

Crystal WintersWhere stories live. Discover now