Chapter 31: Media

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Johnny's POV - Sunday - 7:14 am

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Johnny's POV - Sunday - 7:14 am

I woke up and saw my sister, sleeping in Jaehyun's bed.

"Jenny?" I walk towards the bed to have a closer look and I saw Mark beside her.

I rub my eyes and stare at the two of them. Mark was hugging Jenny.

What was going on?

"Jenny, Mark," I said and they stood still, "If you -"

"Johnny," Jaehyun called my attention from the bedroom door. He signaled me to keep quiet and I stared at him.

He gestured me to walk towards him. I stared back at the two, "Just come here," he whispered.

I sighed and walked out of my room. I drag my feet as I sat on the couch and I saw a blanket and a pillow on it, "You slept here?" he shook his head.

"They did," I stare at Jaehyun and look back at my room.

"Tell me everything, now," I said and Jaehyun chuckled.

"Relax, you're so tense,"Jaehyun patted my shoulder and I glared at him, "Looks like you're in your protective brother mode," he shook his head, "First of all, nothing happened."

Jenny's POV - Earlier - 4:10 am

I finished eating with Mark and Jae-oppa, in their dorm's kitchen.

"Thanks for the meal," I said wiping my mouth with a napkin.

"I'm sorry it wasn't a cooked meal," Jae-oppa said and I shook my head.

"No, no it's fine. It did the deed," I said slapping my full tummy.

They chuckled and I laughed as well.

Jae-oppa looked at his phone, "It's getting late - well early. But since we just ate, let's chat for a bit, after we clean up," Jae-oppa said.

Mark and I nodded. We helped out with cleaning up the table.

"By the way, are you guys allowed to eat this late?" I look at Mark as we segregated our trash.

He put his index finger of his lips, "Shhh," I giggled and then nodded.

"Jee-ah, I think we still have ice cream in the fridge. Would you want some?" Jae-oppa asked as he wiped the table.

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