Chapter 25: Nana

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Double update, as promised for not updating last week. Enjoy x

Mark's POV - Monday - 6:02 am

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Mark's POV - Monday - 6:02 am

I watch Jaemin stare at his phone. Waiting for Min Jee's greeting. Ever since he arrived in the dance studio, all he's been anticipating was her greeting.

I chuckled at how anxious he was over it, "Nana," I call him from the couch, "Nana," he looked up from his phone searching for who called him, "Nana," he looked at me and started walking towards me, but stared back at his phone as he did.

He sat down beside him, "Do you think she forgot?" he asked.

"Who?" I asked playing with him.

"Nuna," he said and you could literally see his phone open in his messages with Min Jee.

"Min Jee? Mhmm, I heard she went to Busan today, with an aunt?" I said and Jaemin looked at me surprised.

"What?" I smirked and brought out my phone.

Last night Min Jee called me around 10 and told me about her plan to fool Jaemin.

Last night - Sunday - 10:24 pm

"Hey Mark," Min Jee greeted as soon as I answered.

"Hey, got Jaemin a gift?" I asked as I picked out a clean shirt to change into.

"I did. Anyway, I'm not going to greet Jaemin for the whole day. Not until I arrive to surprise him. Thankfully I never promised to celebrate with him or even mentioned his birthday before," I listened carefully to Min Jee as she explained, "So to make things believable that I forgotten about it. I'm going to text you about going to Busan to visit a relative and you'll reply normally okay?"

"Woah, are you sure your conscience can handle tricking your precious Nana?" I tease her.

"Ya! Don't make me feel bad," I could imagine her pouting.

"I wasn't," I chuckle, "Anyway, alright. But why do you have to text me?"

"So you can show it as proof. If, how I think Jaemin's going to react will be right, he'll probably be in disbelief," Min Jee said.

"Looks like you thought of everything," I said.

"Yeah, the influences of having Betty as a best friend. You tend to think of these details. So you're in?" I heard her voice being cheery.

"Definitely, but can you really resist not greeting him? I mean remember when you said you wouldn't talk to anyone, but like on the second day you answered his -"

"Mark!" she yelled and I chuckled.

"I'm joking!"

"Whatever, just go with the text okay? And make sure he reads it," Min Jee said.

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