The Truth comes out

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Now Hannah was a suspect this changed everything, we could no longer trust her, it's not like we did anyway. Hannah was hanging around with Tamanna's old friend, Shona, it was weird because I didn't think Shona would like her, it just doesn't fit her persona, but who am I to judge after all I was friends with Robyn
(Robyn was another fellow enemy of Daisy's , because Daisy once slapped Robyn because she was slut shaming her). Robyn was popular, she always hung around with Theo, Josh, Shakobe and that lot. Suddenly Kim comes bursting through the school entrance with tears, she explained how her mum grounded her and took away all her technology because she reckons that Kim killed Daisy ( because they had a huge argument before she went to summer school and Kim tells her mum everything), it was honestly sad because we all knew that Kim didn't kill her, she was too scared of her own shadow, then all our phones went off , the message we all got was "best friends kill Daisy Parsons, good heading right?" , then the bell rings and we all head to class. I had class with Lia and we couldn't stop talking about the message, it was now lunch and we all ate together, then there was a massive scream we all ran to see what it was and we'll, Megan (another popular girl) came across Robyn's dead body in the storage closet, there was blood everywhere. We all got sent home and now the school was a crime scene, everyone was astonished that it was Robyn, we all kinda felt sorry even though she bullied Kim and I for two years. It was now the science fair, and we just did a regular volcano, we were too lazy to do something exciting, Daisy Randell and Hannah Flemming won again but it wasn't like we cared we were too emotional to fantasise about winning a stupid competition, it was official, Robyn committed suicide, and apparently killed Daisy, apparently she felt too guilty (as she was) so she took the easy way out. It all started to add up as soon as the truth came out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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