A whole new world

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It was now two weeks since the founding of Daisy, none of us admitted that were breaking inside about her because like I said we were drifting, I just couldn't believe it Daisy was dead, my bet friend, my friend who should be fat, she was the best, it was truly like an end of an era. Hannah wasn't so lonely considering she was new, she had loads of friends it was like they never knew Daisy which they did. I had two classes with Kim,one with Lia and none with Tamanna, kim and I exchanged notes from time to time, Lia helped me with maths, and Tamanna gave me blank stares in the halls. I came home from school and then got a text by an unknown phone number, just a simple text saying "it's a shame she's gone I never really got a chance to say hi" I assumed it was Hannah but how would she get my number, I wanted to confront her but I could barely talk to my mum let alone this new sluty Popular girl. Tamanna texted me saying is this you (sends me a screenshot), (she hasn't texted me since she sent me Daisy's address so we could send her mum a gift basket) I replied with no but I got the Same text message, she left me on read, I was annoyed obviously, I was tempted to send a rant but then I realised it wouldn't be worth my while, Lia then texted me asking for the maths homework (she's so forgetful, that's why she used to be my best friend) I send it to her with a smiley face. It was now the next day, I went straight to school, no breakfast, what a surprise I said to myself, Tamanna was here, I came up to her and she left, literally left then suddenly I hear a scream, it was Lia she dropped her phone but Lia never screamed, so why now, I had to help her but she just pushed me away (emotionally). After persuading her to show me she finally did, it was a picture of her dad and a woman naked the text said "someone's committing adulatory" from an unknown phone number Tamanna glared back, this was serious.

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