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I woke up with an excruciating pain in my head, not just my head but my entire body as I lay half naked on the cold stoned floor. I am enveloped by the stench of dried blood that covers my whole body. Even before I open my eyes I know I'm not at home. The air is heavy and damp, pressing against my skin like a clammy shroud. Where am I?

As I open my eyes my vision was still hazy trying to figure out what had happened to me, why am I covered with blood? Why am I half naked? And what am I doing in this unfamiliar place? The more I think about it the more my head hurts. I decided to stand up but my legs are so weak and shaky I grabbed on to the wooden stick that was lying on the floor to help me get up.

I looked around and find myself in an abandoned warehouse with a few hardware tools and materials scattered all over the place. I was limping my way around when I saw a dead man lying on the floor covered with blood. His guts are outside his body. I suddenly felt sick my skin became pale and I immediately throw up. The air immediately filled with the digestive stench.

I was so horrified. I tried to runaway but as I step further I saw another dead body soaked in blood. His body was mutilated, his arms and legs was ripped off by an ax that was still stuck in his chest. I thought I have seen the worst but just few steps away there was a naked body facing down the ground and from the look of it he was badly tortured. As I come closer I saw something carved in his forehead.


I had a sudden flashback and bit by bit everything is coming to back to me.
The sun was blazing in the cloudless sky and the morning breeze felt refreshing on my skin as I was walking my way to the bus station to meet Andrew.

Andrew had been my crush since primary school. He may not be the hottest guy in school but for me he is the cutest and the most charming person I have ever met. He had been asking me out several times but since my parents were very strict I had to turn him down every time. I was not even allowed to be friends with any guy. But today is different, it is my sixteen birthday and finally I was allowed to leave the house without a chaperon or a driver. Free at last! I have never been this thrilled in my life. It is the first time I am going out without an escort and not just simply going out but on a date. Just the thought of seeing him already excites me. I am having butterflies in my stomach as I imagined him holding my hand. There a lot of thoughts filling in my head like what if he kissed me? I maybe bad at it I do not know how. I have never kissed anyone I was reserving it to the one I love and I was hoping Andrew would be my first kiss.

I was almost near to the bus station when a black van pulled over. Two masked man with big built comes out from the van. One of them grabbed my arm and tried to drag me inside the van. As I wrestle against him another man appeared behind me and covered my mouth before I can even scream for help. I felt a syringe piercing at the back of my neck. I got giddy and light-headed, my vision became hazy. I used all my strength to shove him away but it is pointless. He lifted me and tossed me inside the van just like some luggage. The drug slowly is taking effect I passed out in a minute not knowing why and where they will take me.

When I regain my consciousness I found myself in an abandoned warehouse lying on top of a wooden table. I tried getting up. I saw the two men from earlier sitting on mono block chair not far from where I am playing cards and drinking beer and no longer in a mask.

"It's about time you wake up sleeping beauty," the bearded man said while drinking his beer.

"Yeah you've been sleeping like a log there, guess I've used too much drugs on you," the man with glasses chuckled and walked towards me.

I got scared when he went nearer. My body trembles in fear. I started crying and begged him.

"Please don't hurt me if you want money my parents will give you money." I said in a shaky voice.

TAMBAYAN LITERARY CONTESTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora