New enemy!

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"I tried to find the remaining Uzumaki's...but, I can only find your father and some girl named Karin." Nero explained.

"...My father's dead and Karin is probably somewhere in the hidden sound." Boruto said.

"She's visiting a old friend, she metition while we met last time" Mitsuki said.

"Thank you...Oh, Boruto...we should hang out more" Boruto said.

"Sure" Boruto answered.

Nero Uzumaki walks out the Ramen shop smiling.

"He seem...Sketchy" Sarada Mentioned.

"Not really..." Boruto said.

"Brother, I'm tired" Himarawari said.

"Mom, should be back by now...Go ahead." Boruto said.

Himawari went home to sleep and Boruto stayed with Sarada and Mitsuki.

It is night time, Mitsuki walks Boruto home.

"So...what happen with you And Sarada?" Mitsuki asked.

"Well, me and Sarada are friends...nothing more." Boruto said.

"Friends with benefits..." Mitsuki muttered.

Boruto is about to respond but, gets stopped by hearing a scream.

Boruto and Mitsuki run towards the scream and see a man on the ground cover in blood.

"Sir, who attacked you." Boruto asked.

"...M-man...In mask" The man said.

The man dies in Boruto arms.

Mitsuki looks around the body and sees a stab wound to the heart.

"The man could have been a target or...a random person to kill." Mitsuki said.

Boruto looks around the area and sees a Kunai...but, Not just a kunai a Kunai with an Flying thunder god Boruto's grandfathers.

"What the Toad" Boruto said.

Out of Nowhere, a man appears summoning the Kunai in his hands.

"Who are you?" Boruto asked.

"...A man with vengeance" The mystery man explained.

The Mystery man throws the flying Raijin Kunai at Boruto but, Boruto dodges and the Kunai hits the wall.

The Mystery man clotheslines Boruto and grabs his Kunai.

Mitsuki trys to grab the man but, the Mystery man cuts Mitsuki's arm with his Kunai.

Mitsuki falls to the ground and Boruto hits the mystery man with uppercut.

Boruto then, gets ready to use Raesgan but, the mystery man throws his Kunai straight to Boruto's hand and Boruto loses focus on the Rasengan.

Right and left...The mystery man is punching Boruto with all his strength and Boruto gets knock out.

The mystery man leaves the area while Boruto and Mitsuki are knocked out.

Authors note:

The mystery man reveal:

The mystery man reveal:

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