The Meaning of Life

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(Tf, is that a title of a fanfic chapter???)
(Edit: After reading, this is really depressing)

Okay so explaining that I am actually not a nice person..... I just am not tbh. Mostly depends on who you are, how you act the way you treat people, and psychology. People don't usually make it past the first one, just a heads up. I trust psychology more than anything, it actually is something that I am quite good at. (and so I assume)

I'm a bitch..... I'll admit, I am. Unless you meet me in real life, I'm a really nice person on the internet (or inter webs) for obvious reasons.

But I'm personally like this because I guess it's how I made myself(?) People throughout my life haven't been the best and I've been forgotten. A lot. So I guess I became over trying to please people and what not.

Yes, I have things associated with mental illnesses. Hence I treat people, in real life, that I dislike like shit, because sometimes, you need a taste of your own medicine.

Sadly, I'm a hypocrite and a compulsive liar (ha there it is again) which is the lowest type you can get to. Also I tend to change who I am depending on who I am talking to. Meaning I attempt to adapt to your needs, in order to please you, because that's just who I am (oh my? Which is the truth??).

I find people who I think need someone to talk to, try to make them feel better, and ultimately fail.  I've become accustomed to this fact but I always try to change. But hey, it's the thought. Me thinking I can actually help someone through a mental perspective rather than a physical perspective.

You know what I like? I like telling people that I don't want to talk about it but I really do, I really want to. But I don't think anyone wants to hear it. They say (pronouns used for the actual voices in my head) "Oh there she goes again, whining like a fucking baby about her crappy life"

Fun Fact: Therapists don't work they never do. People paid to 'make you feel better' never really works. Something about them seems so, distasteful, like swallowing those anti-depressents that taste like shit, but you do it, it's prescriptions! It has to work right?! No, your head becomes so fogged up it is like a helium fucking balloon and you can't think straight, but that's just how we get away from our issues. Because it 'works'

Whining about my life because I think it is so bad. It isn't it really isn't, I just make things harder than need be. "All she wants is people to pity her" and whereas they do. My flaw, not yours.

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