Chapter 11: I Want You

Start from the beginning

I walked out her room and went down stares. Jeremy was on the couch and Alaric was dead.

"Your not going to remember anything, you can talk now." I compelled and sped off.

Elena's P.O.V

It's been two weeks after that night Kol came and threaten me and killed Alaric. If it wasn't for that ring Rick wouldn't have been here..

I haven't seen Klaus or Kol either.. Which is a good thing I guess..

I woke up feeling gloomy and just laid there. I missed Klaus and it killed me that I did...

Bonnie and Caroline bursted in my room and sat on my bed.

I quickly covered my face with the blankets and grunted.

"Elena!" Caroline said and yanked the covers down.

"Oo you look horrible..." Bonnie said and looked concern.

"Thanks..." I said and rolled my eyes.

"No we're serous Elena whens the last time to got up and fed?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know.. A week or two maybe I lost count." I said and coughed.

"Elena! Your a vampire now you need to feed!" Caroline said.

"Look I know you and Klaus broke up and even though it was probably for the best... You still need to take care of yourself!" She added

I sat up and glared at her.

"You think this is for the best?! None of this is for the best Caroline!" I yelled.

"Come on, she didn't mean it like that." Bonnie said.

"Your taking her side?" I said.

"There are no sides Elena." Bonnie said.

"Get out!" I snapped

"Elena..." Caroline said.

"Leave!" I yelled and laid back down.

Caroline and Bonnie sighed and got up and left. I waited till the were in the car and drove off.

I then managed to get up. I was so weak I felt like I was going to faint.

I was still in my pajamas and looked like I was dying but I was just slowly desiccating. I felt so confused and I managed to walk down stairs. Alaric and Jeremy were gone already.

I walk out the door and the sun blinded me. Every thing was load and confusing. I tumbled and walked wobbly. But most of all I was starving, I haven't fed since I broke up with Klaus, it was a miracle that I could walk.

I walked in the middle of the street and the sun still blinding me. I didn't know where I was going I just walked in till I hit a man's chest. It was hard like Klaus but I could tell it was him.

"Elena..." The voice said as he caught me before I fell.

I fainted before I could see who it was...

Klaus's P.O.V

I had Elena in my arm. She look like she been starving herself. she was so weak and confused. I sped her in my car and drove back to my house.

Once I got there I quickly put her in one of the room and laid her on the bed and sat next to her.

"Elena.." I said and messed with her hair.

"Mm nnn." She groaned and started to open her eyes.

"You need blood." I said and put a blood bag to her mouth.

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