Chapter 29: Savior

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Elijah P.O.V

Elena looked so weak in my arms. She knew the risk but she did it anyways for my brother. Is love really that strong?

I picked her up and went to go find Niklaus who was sitting at the bar laughing. He's so selfish to put Elena threw this.

"Niklaus." I said and he turned around laughing.

"What happened??" He said and his smile quickly vanished.

"This pregnancy is to much for her." I said and sighed.

"Elena.." he said and took her from me.

"Give her to me." Davina said.

"Why should I trust you. You haven't helped at all." Klaus said.

"Because I have help." Davina said and Bonnie Bennett walked in.

Klaus P.O.V

"Impossible... you were dead.. I remeber killing you." I said and grunted.

"For a witch theres many ways to come back.. give me Elena." Bonnie said.

"How can I trust that you wont try to do something stupid again?" I ask.

"Because she is my best friend and if this is what she wants I want to help." She said.

"I don't believe you.." I said.

"Fine. I'll give you my word that I'll save Elena and your baby."

"Your word means nothing to me."

"I'll send my vampires to make sure nothing happens." Marcel said and patted me on the shoulder.

"Fine.." I said and Bonnie took her from me.

"In return... I want a apology." She said and lifted her eyebrow

"A apology?? You attacked me!" I yelled back.

"After you left your hybrids to harass me."

"Okay Bonnie." I said and got closer to her.

"I'm sorry for using you to try and get everything Elena wanted." I said in her ear.

"Good enough." Bonnie said and step back.

Marcels vampires escorted her and Davina out the bar. The bar became silent and everyone stared at me.

Bonnie P.O.V

I'm sorry Elena for all of this.. I put you in the middle of all of this. I been a terrible friend, let me help you.

We walk to a lake where Davina said there was magic I can channel. When Klaus was making me find spells for pregnancy I knew this would happen but I was smart enough to look deeper and I found a way to make the child human... intill she is 16 and we will have to feed or die.

I placed her by the water and looked at her use to be tan face that was now pale and sweaty.
"Elena i'm going to get you." I whispered in her ear.

"So whats the plan?" Davina ask. I looked at Marcel's vampire then looked back at Davina.

"Okay look I know this might sound crazy but I think I can turn the fetus into human." I said.

"What?! That sounds crazy." She said.

"I know its almost like siphoning her powers or locking them temporarily." I explained.

"What do you mean temporary." She ask.

"They will come when shes 16 on the first full moon."

"Fine lets do it."

I went through my bag and took out 4 of the candles I brought with me.

"Here. Place them around her body." I said and handed them to her.


I focus on the candles and ignited them.

"Sit on the other side of her body and place your hand on her stomach." I directed as I place her hand on her stomach.

"Have you done this before?" She ask.

"No.. I just read about it."

I closed my eyes and started chanting the spells. Our hands started to glow red as magic enter our body.

"It's done." I said and opened my eyes.

"Why isn't she-" Davina said.

Elena the opened her eyes and her tan color began to return.

"Elena." I said and ran her fingers through her hair.

"What.. where am I.. Bonnie.. your alive how." Elena said.

"Shh how do you feel?" I asked and smiled.

"Good... I feel good..." She said and smiled.

"What did you do to me?" She then ask.

"I made your baby human." I said.

"What?!" She said again slightly smiled.

"Well only intill she.. or he turns 16."

"Omg Bonnie thank you." She said and hug me.

"Welcome." I said and smiled.

"Wheres Klaus?" Elena said and looked around.

"Hes with Marcel." Davina said.

"Bonnie I just want to say sorry-" she began to say but I cut her off.

"I don't want a apology from you Elena. You did what anyone would have done. All I want is my friend back." I said and smiled.

Elena hugged me tightly and i can hear her cry on my shoulder.
"I want that to Bonnie." She said.

"We should go back to Klaus now." Marcel vampire said.

"Alight." I said and I help Elena up.

"Here let me help." Davina said and help Elena walk.

The vampire then grab my arm once Elena and Davina went ahead.
"What do you think you are doing?" He said.

I looked at his hand then back at his face.
"Helping my friend." I said and tried to get out his grip.

"You turned that fetus into a human."

"Yeah to save her life." I said then use me magic to break his bones.

"Just continue to be Marcel's foot soilder." I said and caught up with Davina and Elena.

"Is everything okay?" Davina ask.

"Yeah he just needed help."

We made it back to the city where Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel was waiting for us.

Elena P.O.V

Once Klaus saw me he sped and hug me.

"Are you okay??" He said.

"Yes I-I feel good." I said and smiled. Klaus turned and looked at bonnie.

"Thank you Bonnie." He said and slightly smiled. Bonnie smiled and walked over to us.

"Your child is human intill she or he turns 16." She said.

"What?!" Klaus said.

I grabbed his shoulder and made him look at me.

"Its fine this is the only way." I said trying to calm him down.

"How is that even possible?" Marcel asked.

"She used the spell our mother used to hide Niklaus's werewolf side." Elijah said.

"Wrong.. I siphoned the baby powers intill she is 16 they will return." Bonnie said.

"Smart.." Elijah said.

Klaus kissed me and hug me tightly.

"I just want you to me safe." Klaus said.

"I know.. and I will be thanks to Bonnie." I said.

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