planting love with lilies

Start from the beginning

"Oh please. We want that Malfoy to be drooling all over you tomorrow evening, right?" Gladys said.

"Ugh. I thought he'd be at dinner tonight." Liz moped, resting her chin on her palm.

"I thought so too. But it's positive he'll be here tomorrow. It's a big deal. Revelation ball or what not. I wonder what he'll reveal.." Lin trailed off.

"The only interesting thing at dinner was Alex dragging Hermione away." Say thinks.

"True. Probably found out who the father was." Liz points out.

"Tsk. I doubt even she knows who the father is." Gladys rolled her eyes as her daughters burst out laughing.


"C'mon Lucius! Hurry up." Narcissa practically dragged her husband to the penthouse in the Et Quod Serpens Leo hotel.

"Wait a second, dear, what did you bring in these bags? Our whole manor?." Lucius whined, not being able to use magic in carrying numerous bags of luggage.

"Oh hush. Those are Hermione's family's dresses. Including our grandchildren. Oh how excited I am to see them!" Narcissa hurried her steps, taking off her sunglasses.

"Why can't you use an extension charm?" Lucius asked.

"Because the dresses will crumple!" Narcissa says, mumbling 'honestly' under her breath.

"Good evening Mrs. Malfoy!" Abby greeted behind the counter.

"Hello, Abby. Where are Hermione and my grandkids?" Narcissa asked.

"The penthouse, Miss." Abby replied politely. Narcissa nodded and they started having a small chat.

Lucius huffed. He didn't want to carry these bags up there. He spotted an employee walking by.

"Oi! You," Lucius called.

The man turned around, his eyes widening at the sight of the man. "Yes Mr. Malfoy?"

"Carry these up the penthouse, will you?" Lucius cringed at the bags.

"Why of course sir-" The man started but got cut off by Lucius throwing the bags at him.

The man fell to the ground at the weight of the bags. He looked at the other employees, his friends, looking at them and telling them to help him with his eyes.

They looked back forward, pretending not to know the man.

The man sighed as he tried to get up. He was the manager. Definitely giving them a scolding later.

What a job, that is.

Just then, Aunt Gladys came from the behind a wall and tapped the man's shoulder.

"Psst, who was that?" Gladys asked, looking at the retrieving figures of Lucius and Narcissa.

"The Malfoys." the man says as he stands up.

"The Malfoys huh?" Gladys smirks.


"Okay then. Thank you." Gladys says and hurries to her hotel room.

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