"What do you mean 'don't worry'? You look practically starved." Thomas fretted.

Newt laughed. An actual happy laugh that caused Thomas to smile, "I s'ppose I kind of am."

"I'll have to get up and get something. Will you be okay for a minute?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

Thomas stood up and walked over to the desk, where the others worked endlessly to get the computer to start. He reached into Minho's pocket, which entitled him to slap, and pulled out a couple of granola bars. Then he jogged back over to Newt with a smile and a slightly red mark on his face. He handed the bars over and sat back down, slipping his hand around Newt's waist.

Ripping at the wrapper like an animal, Newt rushed to eat, cramming as much in his mouth as he could. He barely managed to breathe between mouthfuls and had finished a whole bar in under 5 seconds. Just as he was about to open the next granola wrapper, Thomas grabbed his hand gently.
"Remember to take it slow. Your body isn't used to food, you'll only puke it back up." He said as he took the food from Newt.


The two boys sat in silence for a few minutes. Every time Newt's head would start to droop, Thomas would give his waist a light squeeze as he knew the blond wouldn't want to fall asleep. The other Gladers had given up on the computer by this point and were now moping about, poking at debris and sitting about aimlessly.

"Tommy, when are we leaving?"

Thomas spoke up, suddenly remembering what he was supposed to tell him, "Probably tomorrow morning. Don't worry if you think we are being held back by you. We all decided to wait until you had the strength before we went anywhere."

"I appreciate what you shanks are doing for me but the sooner we leave the better. I made it this far on my own, I'm sure a few miles won't hurt." Newt said

"Newt, it's-" Thomas began but was cut off.

"No, you don't understand. I want to leave as soon as possible, even if I have to crawl five miles into the Scorch to do so. I went through hell in this place and I think it's time to leave already."

Thomas didn't answer, only looked at Newt with sadness and something that looked like worry, on the border of being fear. That's when Newt realised. The last time they had seen each other, they'd had a similar argument.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. Didn't mean to get angry there. But if it isn't too much of a pain in the ass, then leaving would be great." Newt concluded in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, it's fine by me. This place gives me the creeps, anyway. I'll go tell the others now and we'll hopefully be on our way in about five minutes." Thomas said as he removed his hand from behind Newt and stood up.

Newt watched him walk towards Minho and instantly missed his warm embrace around his waist. He remembered what he'd thought to himself before. That he would have to tell Thomas how he felt about him, how he'd felt since he'd first met him back in the Glade. He closed his eyes in thought and daydreamed, as his head lolled forwards.

That was until Thomas came back over and placed a finger under his chin, to lift his head up. Newt's gaze locked onto the brunet's face and he smiled sheepishly. Thomas laughed lightly and said, "everyone has agreed to go and were leaving whenever you're ready."

"Could I have a little help, please," Newt asked as he reached his hands out. Thomas gript them and pulled him to his feet. The blond stumbled slightly and black dots danced in his vision but he could already feel the energy returning from what he'd eaten. As Thomas slipped his arm around Newt's waist to hold him up, the sick boy cried out in pain.

"Oh, God. Did I hurt you?" Thomas said worriedly, as he began to panic.

"No, it's fine. Just a past injury. I'll be fine." Newt answered.

"We should check that out. It could be infected." Said Thomas as he gript Newt's waist slightly lighter.

"It'll be fine for now." Newt muttered as he hooked his arm around Thomas's shoulder and got comfortable on his feet, "let's go."

The two boys walked over to the now assembled group of Gladers, Newt tripping occasionally as he lent on Thomas. Minho smiled when he saw them and moved over to speak.
"You two ready? Because we don't want to start walking only for you to collapse."

"I'm ok, Minho, honestly," Newt said.

"I know you're fine. I was talking about Thomas." The Asian boy answered with a smile.

"Shut up, Minho," Thomas clamoured, "Let's go already."

Minho turned to address the whole group, "Come on, everyone. Let's go."

Newt smiled as he limped along in Thomas's arms. He still couldn't believe it was real, that he was with his friends again and they moving away from his hell on Earth. It was almost too good to be true.

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