Chapter 3:

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More quietly this time but still at a quick pace, Newt restarted his journey back to the office, in hopes of cleaning his cuts, ending his famine and resting. He was scared, tired and depressed, desperate for the whole ordeal to just end so he could be back with his friends, even if being back with them meant surviving the Scorch but that was so much better than being alone.

He made it back to the door leading to the office without any flare infected people attacking him. He could only hope that he would be alright throughout the night and wouldn't wake up with a missing arm or leg.

Newt warily looked through the doorway, ready in case of an attack. Sure there was nothing to panic about, he limped in and made his way to the far right corner of the room. He sat down on a toppled support beam and thought about what to do next.

By this point, it was already completely dark and night was taking hold. He needed a light. Newt felt his way around the room, scared out of his mind, for any wood or material he could use to make a fire.

Eventually, he had a small pile, which he placed in the corner of the office. Then he searched the rubble in, pitch blackness, for anything that would start the blaze. The boy found a simple rock and stick, and like a caveman, rubbed them together until they sparked. He continuously glanced behind while making the campfire, paranoid of intruders.

He knew he couldn't leave the fire burning for long as it would draw attention to him. But it was only so he could attend to his cuts and eat a substantial meal, before trying to rest.

With the fire taken care of, the injuries he had received during his fight, were his next biggest concern. If they got infected, he wouldn't survive five minutes.

Newt started to inspect his body. He removed his shirt and discovered a deep laceration stretching from his waist up to his armpit. Gingerly, he touched it but recoiled his hand after a stab of pain made him nauseous.

"Bloody hell that hurts." He cursed.

The pain was horrible. Each time Newt tried to wipe the gash, with part of his shirt dipped in water, another wave of sickness hit him, but after several attempts, he had cleaned it of infection. Or hoped he had. Then he wrapped the rest of his top around his whole chest after wiping the other cuts on his body. Next, he removed his pants and tidied his legs up.

Once he was dressed again, Newt opened a granola bar and consumed it in three mouthfuls. Then he opened a pack of dried fruit and ate that just a fraction slower. When his hunger was finally satisfied, he grabbed a canteen and guzzled down the liquid only to stop suddenly when he remembered he'd need it in the future.

Newt placed the canteen back in his temporary pouch. At last, he had a moment of calm where he didn't have to rush about. He studied the room, now blanketed in firelight. There was still a wind ripping through the space, like earlier, and debris still allowed areas to be concealed in shadow. The darkness outside the windows obscured anything lurking outside. The room was strangely familiar to Newt, like he had been there before today.

Sitting in front of the campfire reminded Newt of the few nights he had spent in the Scorch with his friends. Once again, he was caught in the memories of the past but also his potential future.

A future that would most likely be short-lived. But what if I'm the only one left? He pondered, what if my friends are dead?

He spent five minutes talking with the demons in his mind. Getting lost in sorrow and depression. The last time he felt like this it was in the maze and he knew how that turned out...

In his anxiety, Newt had picked up a red scarf and was weaving it through his fingers. He glanced down and realised it was Thomas' scarf. Thoughts of the boy swam through his mind and the depression was swiftly washed away. It was funny how Thomas brought joy into the broken blond.

Even in the most hopeless of times, Newt would feel hope around him. His fondest memory of Tommy was when he first became a runner. He tried to look serious and calm about it, but could barely suppress a smile when Newt had made it official.

He looked around the room one more time, put the fire out and thought of Thomas again as he settled down for his first night in Hell.

Newt smiled and muttered, "I miss you, Tommy. I really miss you."

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