Chapter 6:

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The room was different, which was in some ways was a pleasant surprise. Even more so, due to the fact that it was old sleeping quarters.

It was only a small room. About 2x2 meters, with a bed in one corner and a bookcase in the other. A large desk was below the only window in the room. Dirty books and papers littered the floor, along with glass shards and electric wires.

In short, like the rest of the building, the room was a disastrous mess. However, Newt was giddy with the thought of maybe sleeping on an actual bed. It might not have been a particularly clean mattress but it was better than the hard floor.

He walked over to the bed in a dream-like state, fantasizing about a soft sleep, but stopped moving at the sudden thought of Thomas and his other friends. He realised with anguish, though he was exhausted, the more he searched the buildings, the more likely he would get back to his mates. Which in its self, wasn't very likely.

With one last longing glance at the bed, Newt turned around, scanned the papers on the floor and walked back out.

A sad feeling had washed over Newt. He had just peered into the fifth room of the second floor and once again it was another bedroom. The other four had been as well.

It was slow, tiring work going from room to room, continuously watching out for cranks and other creatures of hell, as well as looking for info. The prospect of sleep didn't make it any better.

As he looked into the sixth room, his eyes were drawn to the small window. There was movement in the next building.

He limped over to the opening and peered out. He saw what looked like a little girl. She was running backwards and forwards in the room she was in but that wasn't what was strange about it. The girl was missing both of her arms and was screaming at the top of her lungs.

Newt had almost grown used to the horrors of cranks. Almost. So he distracted himself with other things.

The short shadows cast onto the other buildings revealed it was roughly midday. He had been searching the floor he was on for way too long so decided to move to the next floor as there would most likely just be more bunk rooms.

This time, when Newt made it to the top of the second staircase, he looked down before he stepped forward and did so after the other four staircases.

He hadn't discovered anything interesting on any of the floors and the only thing that had grasped some of his attention was a little yellow teddy bear lying on a collapsed bed.

He was now in the last room, on the last floor, with no more than a grazed knee and a few scratches.

It was irritating, going through all this trouble of being quite and scouting every building, trying to find something that isn't there. Trying to find hope, only to find nothing.

"WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME!?" Newt shouted." Is there a god looking at me and laughing every time I screw up? Why can't I save myself, let alone everyone else?"

In his frustration, Newt kicked the wall, not considering its integrity. Blinded by anger, he didn't notice the cracks spreading along the wall.

They started small, hardly noticeable to anyone's eyes, not to mention the eyes of a boy who was slowly going insane. However, with each envious kick, the cracks increased in size and wall coverage.

Suddenly, the panelling folded in on its self, like the pages of a book. A chunk of plasterboard the size of a door fell on top of Newts head. He crumpled onto the ground, knocking him unconscious, rubble collecting on top of him and covering the floor around him. Karma's a bitch.

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