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6 years ago

            Red and blue lights flashed outside of a New York City apartment complex as officers lead Majorie Hart to a police car. "They're mine! You can't take them! I've done nothing wrong!" The officers shoved her into the car as another officer carried two ten year old girls outside into a waiting ambulance.

           "You're safe now." The officer said as the paramedics drove them to the hospital. Neither girl looked at him or spoke. The blonde had a black eye and bloody nose, while the golden-brown haired girl whimpered as she cradled her burned arm. The officer sighed. "Can you girls tell me why your mom got so mad?" The brunette began to sob and the blonde placed a protective arm around her and pulled her close. "Lauren burned dinner, she had to be punished. I just got in the way." The blonde whispered, her face blank. "And what's your name dear?" He asked. "Alyssa Hart."
        A boy in a red coat raced through the streets of the Isle as shouts of "Get back o'er here lost boy!" echoed behind him. He ran until he reached the cellar doors of the fish and chip shop. The boy opened one of the doors and was about to slip inside when a moan came from behind him. "H-Harry h-help." Harry turned to see his best friend stumbling towards him clutching his side. "Gil!" He raced forward and grabbed him before he could fall, leading him into the cellar.

            Harry laid Gil down on one of the mattresses in the corner. "Hold on. I'm goin' to get Uma." He walked over to the dumbwaiter shaft and tied his red handkerchief to the rope before using the pully system to send it up. Even though there was no box in the shaft, the rope and pully system still worked. Harry grinned when he felt vibrations through the rope. He lowered it back down and  his smile grew when he saw the handkerchief was gone.

            A few moments later a girl with black and teal braids appeared with two trays of food. "What happened this time?" She sighed as she sat down the food and began to examine the cuts on Harry's cheek and arms. "Well Uma, sword fighting with my Da' didn't go so well. Apparently, Harriet was born lucky and I was lucky to be born. She's gifted with the sword, while I'm lucky to be alive." He grumbled. Uma nodded. "Alright, let's get you cleaned up." Harry shook his head. "Actually..." he began, but a loud groan from the corner cut him off.

                Uma turned around from grabbing the first aid kit and her eyes widened when she realized they weren't alone. "Oh my goblins! Gil!" She gasped rushing to his side. "What happened?" He moaned as he turned towards her. "I spilled Dad's beer, so he attacked me with his mug." She nodded as she examined his wound. "Yeah, getting between Gaston and his beer is bad news. Alright, let's get both of you cleaned up." Uma started with Gil, pulling glass from his side and disinfecting it before wrapping it up tightly. "You're turn." She said, motioning for Harry to come over. "And leave some food for Gil."

                Harry's wounds were much easier to tend to. She only needed to clean the cuts and bandage the few deeper ones on his arms. Once she was finished, Uma put her supplies away and grabbed the empty trays the boys had left. "I guess you're both staying?" Harry and Gil nodded as they settled down on their mattresses. "Very well, good night boys. Evil dreams." They grinned. "Night Uma."
               After getting checked out and cleaned up at the hospital, the officer took the Alyssa and Lauren to a foster home on the other side of the city. He knocked on the door and a stern looking woman answered. "Is this them?" She asked. "Yes Ms. Griselda." The officer replied. "This is Alyssa Hart and Lauren Lewis." The woman nodded and ushered them inside. "Good night, officer." She called before shutting the door. She lead them to a small room with two beds at the end of the hall. "Don't come out until I call you." She said gruffly before exiting the room and slamming the door.

               Before crawling into bed, Alyssa and Lauren walked over to the window and kneeled down, clasping their hands together. At the same time, they both made one wish:

"I wish to finally find a.               place to call home."

           Harry and Gil laid on their mattresses staring out the small cellar window at the few stars shining through the Isle's fog. "Harry," Gil called out. "If you make a wish upon a star will it really come true?" He sighed. "I don't know Gil, maybe." That night, neither one knew it, but they made the same wish.

"I wish to find someone who's heart is willing to love me as I am."

Author's note

Hi friends! Here it is! I will be updating this story and Hooks and Seashells in rotation so expect to get an update for one story one week and an update for the other story the next. Chapter one will be out sometime this weekend. Enjoy!

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