Good Boy Bite #2

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Scott's P.O.V

Aaron and I had just stepped through his front door when my arm shot out to stop him. I held up a finger to my lips and pointed towards his living room. Aaron shot me a questioning look when he heard. Moans. And groans. Aaron was an only child, so it wasn't any raunchy siblings. That left his parents.

"Mom!" he yelled, a frightened look on his face. I had to hold my laughs when I heard a very manly gasp come from the living room. Aaron whimpered when we could hear his mother whisper, "What is he doing home so early? We had an hour, 2 hours, tops."  His parents emerged, looking very disheveled with wrinkly clothes and messy hair.

"Hi, boys. What, um, what're you doing home so early?" Mrs. Michaelson asked, trying to straighten her hair, but failing.

"We....had a half day." Aaron muttered, utterly embarrassed. It didn't help that I was discreetly poking his ribs with my elbow.

"Well, I'm the kitchen. Yeah, want some cookies? I'll make some cookies." She sped away to the kitchen to do, what I assumed was, some nervous baking. Mr. Michaelson looked lost.

"I'll go to my office stuff. Bye." The man practically ran up the stairs and I finally let out the bubbles of laughter that I had been hiding.

"Oh, man. Your parents were totally having s-"

"Shut up," Aaron hissed. "My mother is a angel. She would never, and has never, had intercourse in her life." Aaron seemed quite put out from this.

"Oh, yeah? Then, how did you get here? Explain that to me, please." I asked. Aaron's face turned a bright red and his eyes kept shifting as he tried to think of another explanation.

"She had a seed stuck in her ear. And 9 months later, bam, I popped out of it." Aaron exclaimed. There were a few beats of silence before I answered.

"...One: That makes no sense. And two: I would have excepted adoption, but you just...." I didn't even no what to say to him. So, I patted him on the back as we headed up the stairs.

"It's over, Aaron. It's going to be okay." I muttered, a small smirk still on my face.

"Shut up, Scott."

AN: Hey guys, so here is the second Bite! And isn't it weird that the most important person's appearance hasn't been questioned yet? Yes, LEXI"S MOTHER!!!! No one has asked about her at all, but don't worry, she's not dead or anything. I think. But yeah, Destiny has left meh for a while and I'm sad.... She'll be back soon though. Anyway, I hoped you guys liked this chapter! Pic on the side is Aaron!





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