The Night Sky

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The first time i open my eyes, is the best day in mylife.

The blue ocean, a colourfull sight, a joyful creature, everything are so clear, as i can see something so far away, i feel so pure.

Happiness, is the only expression that i recognise.

I remember i used to enjoy the night sky everyday.

How blue is it.

How big.

How deep its look like.

And how the start became an ornament of that beautiful wall.

I remember, every time i see the night sky, i would smile, i feel the happiness. As if my life can't be more blessfull than this.

In the every morning, i will play with my friend, swim around,... swim around,,... there's is no end of it.

Yet, i never feel bored.

Let the sea wave arrange my hair,. Became a playground stone for those colourful creature.

Follow the wave to push me around, or just staying in the bottom of the sea. There is nothing more joyful than this.

I feel so happy, so so so happy, as there is no beginning nor the ending of our life.

We are immortal, that's how blessed we are.


At least that's what i think at that time.

And today,..... that what i thought as a gifted,.... feels more like a curse.

I can't remember when, but as far all i know, whenever i see the night sky, i want to die.

I can't breath, i feel so hurt whenever i tried to breath. i want to stop breathing,..... but even if i did,... i cant die.

There is no clear water anymore, there is no fresh morning, where is this?  The colourful sight started to go numb.

My friend started to die one by one.

As if my hurt isn't enough, watching their struggling is more like a torture to me. I feel so scared to see the day.

I want time to stop.

i can't help them, all i can see is their struggling live,.... 

where is the food? Where is our home?

why just breathing is so hard for us?

What is this foreign thing?!

Where is it come from?!

I'm crying,... as i witness my friend died slowly because choked by this foreign thing.

I should have just killed him, or cut his head off. if i would know this going to happen to his life.

I don't want to see this anymore.

Please stop.

Full of regret my life now.

What can i do? What should i do?!

I hate it. Hateful, is the expresion that i learn from this foreign thing.

My grudge grow bigger, as this foreign thing keep growing.

Please end this torture.

As the night sky the only thing remain, make me remember past.

Anger,... a new things that i learn.

I want to throw my grudge to whatever thing that passing by.

As i know the one who create this is human.

And i started to learn and know, this foreign thing is caled "Plastic".

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