Hell part1

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Ky's pov {right after Angela leaves}

I stared at myself in the mirror not something I normally do but but I had just finished splashing water on my face and was now just staring holding a towel limply in my hand. I had never liked the way I looked well actually I did like my eyes they were emerald green and I had gotten them from my mother they looked a lot like Angela's now that I think about it. but my hair was jet black just like my dads (I hate that, why couldn't it be dirty blond like my mom) and my skin was nicely tan. I was slightly taller than average. I threw the towel at my reflection I hated that any sign of that cruel man any biologist would call my father was on me. I had on more than one occasion I had considered shaving my hair just to get rid of all traces of him. But I had never been able to go through with it.

My mind wandered off my appearance to what Angela was up to as I walked out of the bathroom, she had said something about libraries demons and answers I asked no questions figuring I would only get more confused. I sat on my bed and felt a sudden sharp pain in my head before the world went dark.

I flashed in and out of reality. my conciseness brimming on the thin line that separated reality from the darkness fogging up my brain. the first time I woke up I heard a few muffled voices in the background I was however unable to make them out. Then my mind slipped back into darkness. second time. I try to force my eyes open but the are to heavy. I give up and instead focus on my hearing. I could vaguely make out an unfamiliar voice.

"Ky...deamon...the boss...kill...power."

then a voice that I had always been afraid of answered whatever the first voice had said only this time I heard it more clearly, "he is a daemon and that's what will kill him

The little pice of shit should have killed him as a baby." my fathers words confirmed my suspicion that he hated me with passion. the darkness took me again.

"Ky sweat heart wake up." my eyes gently opened to see a bright yet soothing wight light and my mother beautiful face. her dirty blond hair in curls and her green eyes sparkled.

"Mum? am I dead?"

"No sweaty it's not your time yet."

"Am I really a demon?"

"Oh honey it's not my place to tell you that."

"So it's true." My heart sank as I dealt my stomach not.

"Ky." my mum sounded rushed now, "your about to wake up but listen to Angela she's a good kid she will keep you safe, also..." she never finished her sentence beachside at that moment I was literally slapped awake. I looked up to see the hate filled features of my father.

"If your going to kill me get it over with." I said hopping my voice didn't betray my fear.

"You weak shit your no son of mine, " he spat, "and although I have my orders to kill you I won't not until I've tortured you past your breaking point." with that he kicked me in the face. I blacked out again from the force of the impact.

I was gently shaken awake by some one. I forced my eye to open and found myself looking at a sickly pale Angela.

"Angela?" I asked groggily.

"Ky hurry we have to get out I can't stay much longer or I'll burn away. the only reason I'm not already dead is because I'm almost a fallen, for once that came in handy." She smiled weakly to herself. and in that one act I saw how much fiscal strain was on her to come here and rescue me. I got to my feet fighting the wave of dizziness that descended on me. grabbing her waist to help support her I led Angela out of whatever room we were in.

Fire, and screams we were surrounded by it as Angela told me which way to go through the abandon halls. eventually we got to a staircase and began to climb. we finally burst free of that hell to find ourselves in an unfamiliar city.

"Quick find me a bank." Angela said scanning our surrounding area. I pointed to one across the street and Angela hurried towards it.

We entered and walked over to a lady behind a counter she had on far too much make up.

"How can I help you?" she asked in a squeaky voice.

"Yes I'd like to withdraw some money from my account please." Angela said.

"One moment please." the lady shuffled off then returned a little while later and began to speak with Angela. 10 minutes later Angela had $2,000 in her hand. we walked out and got a taxi to a motel where Angela got us a room for the night.

As we settled down I began to worry. "what about our parents?" I finally asked.

"Here make some excuse." Angela said handing me her phone.

I dialed my mums number and waited. "hello." Her voice called over the line.

"Mum...i just wanted to tell you I'm staying over at a friends tonight." I said and then quickly hung up before she could ask any questions.

Angela took the phone and made the same excuse to her mum. now here we were trapped in an unfamiliar city an angel and a demon on the run from other demons.


Ok so this time I'm not making any promises as to when the next chapter is going to be out but I can tell you this raven though the next chapter is not going to have a ton of action it will answer some questions. I know some people might be confused so um comment if you have any questions vote if you like the story.


The city they're in is Manhattan. why? just 'cause I love that place.


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