The girl

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{One month later}

I had spent a little over a month in my new life. I was beginning to feel normal I now had friends and a family that wasn't going to try and kill me. With the exception of that dream I had every night things seemed to be getting better and what the hell it was just a dream no big deal I could manage it. I sat in math staring blankly at my test the teacher had placed them face down on the desks of every student before we came in we were suppose to be making corrections later today. But I was lost as I have mentioned before math is my worse subject even if I studied really hard the best I could hope for was a B. today I had gotten a D.

"Now every one before you start making corrections I would like to introduce a new student." Mr. Apten, the teacher, said. Great a new student I thought and went back to my test. Why should I pay attention now I would meet them eventually. I stared at my test for a few more minutes before I herd the chair next to me scrape against the floor.

"Hi" an unusually familiar female voice said. I turned so I was facing its source and found my self doing a double take. I was looking strait at the girl from my dream she had fiery red hair with a single stripe of pale blond going Through it and perfect emerald green eyes.

"It's you," I said more to myself than to her.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you," she said with a smile.

"Oh nothing you just reminded me of some one I knew...once" I said, now that I think about it how could she be the girl from my dream the resemblance may be uncanny but this was a human girl that girl was a figment of my imagination. No, I was just acting like a paranoid girl. Wow I said the word girl a lot in that thought. I smirked.

"By the way I'm afraid I didn't catch your name when you introduced your self can you tell me please." I said.

"Oh sure my names Angela."

"Well then Angela I hope your good at math because I am most definitely not." I gave her a small smile.

"Math is my best subject so just ask if you need help." I knew she was just being nice but I was most likely going to take her up on that offer.

I tried to stay focused the rest of the day honestly I did but it was so hard my mind was always going back to Angela this was not helped by the fact that she also sat next to me in history later in the afternoon. I stormed into my house feeling very unnerved about everything that had happened today. I just wanted to go up to my room turn on my TV and play video games. just when I thought I had a chance at normal. wait I'm over reacting I'm mean come on there is just a new girl in my class no big deal and it was probably just a coincidence that she looked like that girl from my crazy dream. Was that too big a coincidence?

"Ky dear there is a new family moving in next door and they have daughter your age I made plans for her to come over so you two can work on your homework later today." Emily called from the living room.

"Ok mom." I called back I had started calling her mom about a month in and by now every one was use to it. she was really nice and I liked her a lot but some times like now she had ways of getting in your things in a way that would only annoy you. I wouldn't be surprised if she had hidden cameras all over my room. I headed up the stairs making a mental note to check for that. then I turned on my TV and did exactly as I planed I went straight to video games, abandoning my self to the fantasy world I needed to be in right now. almost two hours later my mom called me down to meat the new neighbors. I walked stiffly down the stairs but froze when I caught sight of a familiar red head shaking hands with my dad. what was less likely the girl who was in your math and history classes the one who looked freakishly like a girl you had been dreaming about for the past two years moving in next door, or meeting two new girls on the same day that were in no way related. I tried to walk as slowly and quietly as possible back up the stairs but she caught sight of me and waved.

"Hi Ky I didn't know you lived here," she said in a cheerful tone.

"And I didn't know you lived next door Angela," I responded abandoning my attempts at sneaking back up stairs.

"And how do you two know each other?" my mom asked.

"We sit next to each other in history" Angela answered.

"And math," I added.

"Ok good so why don't you two go and have fun while we talk." my mom said gesturing to herself and Angela's parrents.

"Ok," I responded motioning Angela to come up stairs. I walked into my room and slumped down on my big bed. ever since I first got this room I had been working hard to fix it up so it fit all my needs. I had painted the walls a dark blue and put poster of various comics, movies, and books up. the bed had dark green sheets on it. Angela came and sat next to me.

Angela's pov

I sat down next to Ky on his bed taking in the look of his room. based on his past this room although depressing for most people was cheerful for him. I got lucky he recognized me so fast but I can't let him know just yet who I am. I need him to trust me first. But wether or not he recognized me I will have a problem telling him the truth if he keeps talking himself out of it like he has been.

"So have you done your history home work yet because I really need help with mine." I said putting on a bright smile.

"I'll help you with that if you help me with math" he said not looking at me.

"Done!" I announced.


So um whoever is reading this I'll try my best to update this story tomorrow but then I won't be able to update for another two months sorry if you want to know what happens next.

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