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Hey so I write a lot in Ky's pov so I thought this chapter would be in Angela's pov instead. ok.

Angela's pov

I paced my room furiously. Why, why was the damn devil after Ky I mean come on my job is hard enough without having to worry about stupid daemons popping up every where not to mention that evil son of a b***h will probably start by sending people I knew after him to make it harder for me to protect him. man that sounded so selfish. ok that's it if I'm going to find out what is going on I'm going to have to visit heavens library. but how to get up there some one on the inside will have to let me in, let's just say I lost the rights to my key. Then it hit me. Of course Gabriella can do it.


"Thanks, gabby" I smiled at my friend

"Hey no problem let's go see if we can find that info your looking for." she smiled a bright smile that lit up her light blue eyes. We walked well actually flew to the library. ok so you may not know this but the library of heaven contains detailed information on all living thing it's just a matter of finding the right book.

"Guess whooo" Gabby sang as we walked into the library which seemed abandon.

"In here gabbs," a voice answered gabby. no way did she get him on board. I dashed into the room and almost screamed in joy at the site of one of my best friends.

"Gabe!" I scream and run forward to hug him.

"I've missed you Angela," he says hugging me back. Gabe better known as the angel Gabriel is one of my best friends and Gabby's brother. yeah that's right he gets all the recognition which I think is no fair.

"Gabby how did you get him on board?" I ask.

"Now Angela why would you say a thing like that I would never give up a chance to help my best friend." he gave me a smirk.

"You Mr. goody two wings himself come help a fallen, a damn?" I laugh.

"Don't even joke about that Ang you won't fall I won't allow it," he says giving me a stern look.

"Now tell me what are you doing here?"

"Well as you know I'm the angel to Ky and our good old enemy Lucifer is after him, I what to know why." I state simply.

"Ok then let's set to work," gabby says

"Wait, first, non of this gets to his ear. agreed?" I say.

"Agreed," they sing in unison.

"Although I'm sure he already knows," Gabe says in a matter of fact tone.

I nod and we set to work, at least 30 minutes go by before Gabe calls out, "found it!"

Me and Gabby rush over to where he is standing leaning over a thick book.

He begins to read aloud.

Ky green is a 17 year old boy living in New York State. he was the subject of serious fiscal and emotional abuse from a young age at the hands of his demon father.

" wait Ky's dad was a demon!?" I ask no one specifically.

"Apparent," gabby says looking as shocked as I feel.

"Continue," I tell Gabe.

He and his younger sister were protected by their mother an angel but after her death Ky was given the angel Angela as a guardian.

"Stop!" I yell, "no way he can't be part angel part demon it's impossible that means..." I trail off.

"It means that he is one of those rare few people who can chose from two completely different destinies. it also means that if he becomes a demon he could have power second to only the devil himself, while if he becomes an angel he could gain a rank similar to mine." Gabe says.

"Yes Gabe I think we are all well aware of what it means." I say sarcastically, "I have to go." I give both Gabe and Gabby a brief hug before leaving I need to tell Ky all of what I just found and I need to tell him soon or he could be in a boat load of trouble. I plunge down to earth and make my way to his house where I left him. I sniff the air there is a faint sent of demon. running in I find the house completely empty. on Ky's bed there is a not that reads,

Come and get him little angel girl


Ok logical conclusion the demons have taken Ky.


Hi people early update yay

Tell me what you think vote comment blah blah blah.

So um I took off my other book the shadow because I'm kinda stuck I'll put it up again soon I hope any way I am going to put up another book soon the updates on that will come out fast because I've already written most of it.

Thank you friend who convinced me to put it up, you know who you are. ok so read my new book it should be up in a week or so. and next update for this story on the 9th.

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