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Sherlock wasn't allowed to stay with John all night. He wanted to look after him, but the doctor wouldn't let him.

He had begged and begged her, saying that John needed him.

"Sherlock, it's fine. You can come and see me tomorrow! I don't have to stay here too long anyway" John reassured him, but secretly he liked it when Sherlock got so protective over him.

Sherlock got a taxi back to 221B, and made himself some tea. Mrs Hudson walked in.

"I heard John was in the hospital, is he alright?" she asked.

"He's okay now, but something terrible happened."

Sherlock explained John's run in with Aisling Moriarty, and Mrs Hudson gasped.

"What are you going to do?! You can't stay here! She'll come after you!"

"I was thinking of going abroad, with John, to think things through. You should come too."

"Yes..." Mrs Hudson sighed, "Oh Sherlock, you always get into so much trouble!"

Nightmares and Revenge: A Johnlock StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat