Chapter 6

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Noah's POV

Davina finally wakes up "What happened?" She asked weakly "Finally, your awake. A lot has happened, are you okay?" I ask concerned "My head... Klaus?" Davina asks, "Angry bloke with deadly aim? Yeah, he smashed the place up, and then he left." Kol tells her "Where did he go?" Davina asks "To hunt down your pet-serial-killer-friend. Listen, not to be Mr. Judgemental here, but I'm starting to question the company that you keep." Kol said, I scoff. Davina gets up and starts to pace around the room "The white oak stake?" Davina asks "It's gone, I'm afraid. The serial killer one took it." Kol answers. Davina tries to summon Mikael with her bracelet but it isn't working, weird "Why isn't it working?" Davina asks frantically.

Kol tries to console her "Here, have some water." He said "No, you don't understand! If Mikael's free, he can kill Klaus, and then my friends die, too!" Davina exclaims "Well, if I understand all this, Mikael's been trying to kill Klaus for eons. How are you going to stop him?" Kol asks. Davina shakes her "I'm not. I need to finish my spell, now." She said determined, "Uh, you sure that's a good idea. You just woke up." I say concerned for Davina's well-being.

Davina ignores my concern and starts looking over her notes for her spell "Um, he's right, love. Perhaps we should hold off on this..." Kol said trying to persuade her. Davina glares at us "No, I have everything I need! Combine a knotting spell with a sire-bond spell. I just have to combine them the right way..." Davina said as she looks through her notes, "And do them in reverse. That's pretty advanced for a wee girl like you." Kol said. Davina gives him a look "You know, I can give you a list of people who have underestimated me. Not one of them has done it a second time." She said, I smile lightly. "Your Little Witch Friend is a determined little thing, isn't she? And she really hates your brother." Kinkade whispers to me, "Uh huh, well if you knew her story then you'd know why she hates Klaus." I tell him, hell I hate him... well, I hate him less than I used to "Come on, let's leave them to their spell." I say.

We go into the living room "So, you really want to become a vampire?" I ask him "No, I want to be a hybrid, like you." He answers "I want to be able to channel magic, siphon it and keep it." Kade said. I look at him for a moment "I'll think about it." I said and Kade smiles. Suddenly, we hear wall banging and shouting "You liar!" I hear Davina shout then more wall banging "That hurt." I hear Kol say. I vamp-speed into the room there in and magically throw Kol into a wall, and keep him there "Okay, okay, okay, okay!" He shouts "You ruined the spell, and now my friends are gonna die because of you!" Davina shouts at Kol "Mother said 'Kill the spell, or kill her'. And I happen to like you." Kol said.

My face vamps-out a bit in anger at the thought of anyone hurting Davina "Ah, easy their Little Brother. I said, I like her. So, I won't kill her." He said, I narrow my eyes at him and let him go. I turn to Davina "You all right?" I ask "Why didn't you tell me Kaleb was your Brother?" She asks "I just found today and I was more concerned for your well-being." I answer, "Oh, sorry." Davina said "Well, I'll let you two talk." I say and leave them alone.

Later, all four of us are walking through the woods looking for Mikael but I'm sure he's long gone "Bleeding power from a dark object is tricky, so it does help to know what kind of object it is." Kol said "The White Oak Stake." Davina said. Kol gives her a look of disbelief "You want to drain the white oak stake, do you?" He asks, Davina shrugs "It's a dark object. If I can't stop Mikael, I have to stop that stake from working." She answers, "See, usually I like a girl with ambition, but this is beyond mad." Kol said and starts to walk away. Davina stops him "Just show me the spell, Kaleb! Kol, or whatever your name is." She said getting irritated, "The problems not the spell, love. it's the white oak stake. It's too powerful, you can't just drain it. Best you can hope for is to disable it, but just for a bit." He tells her, well that sounds like a plan.

After a locator spell we find ourselves at an abandoned building, I can hear fighting from inside. Davina and Kol start to chant their spell to disable the white oak stake "Mwen la bois. Donne m'la bois, la bois." They chant, the wind starts to pick up. Mikael shows up furious "Is this your doing, Little Witch? Then you will undo it! Return the power to the stake!" He exclaims, and advances towards them but Kade stops him with pain affliction spell "I don't think so, Viking Daddy." He taunts.

Mikael advances towards Kade despite the spell, I vamp-speed towards him, and give him a combination of punches to his face and body. I hit him again but he catches my fist "Out of my way, Boy!" He growls "No." I say back and headbutt him then I tackle into a wall, bursting through it into another part of the building. We tumble away from each other I look around and see Cami holding the white oak stake and a desiccated Klaus "Noah." Cami said scared as she holds the stake. I motus the stake into my hand and point it towards Mikael, he chuckles "And what are going to do with that, Boy?" He asks, I sigh.

What a stupid question, I get ready to attack but Marcel appears out of nowhere and attacks Mikael. That doesn't last long because Mikael knocks Marcel flat on his back and picks up a makeshift stake pointing it at Marcel "Now, enough! This night has been a parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you." Mikael exclaims. Klaus wakes up with a gasp, Hayley appears throwing a chain around Mikael's neck, knocking him off his feet "Yeah, I wouldn't bet on it." She said. We start to surround him "It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?" Klaus taunts. Mikael laughs "You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women, and children fighting your battles." He said then vamp-speeds away.

I let out a breath and turn around to see everyone I toss the stake to Klaus "Here. I don't need this." I say to him "Thanks." He said smiling slightly. I see Theo and Kade "Uncle, are you all right?" He asks, I nod. Kade chuckles "I doubt it. He tackled your Viking Grandpa through a wall, just to save me. I'm touched." He tells him. Theo looks at me concerned "I'm fine. Can we just go home." I say.

I get home with Theo and Kade in tow "Nice place, actually seeing it for the first time and not just seeing glimpses of it while being almost choked to death." Kade said. Theo glares at him "Do you ever shut up?" He asks, "Nope." Kade answers with a grin. I sigh "Would you both shut up." I say, sick of there bickering. I start to go upstairs "Oh, taking me up to your bedroom, so soon?" Kade teases, "No, but come back tomorrow." I tell him, Kade smirks then leaves. Theo gives me a look "I'm not letting him in." He tells me "Uh huh, good night, Theo." I say, going upstairs "Good night, Uncle." Theo said back. I make it to my bedroom and plop down on my bed and let out a huge sigh, god, what a day. My eyes become heavy as I let sleep take me.

It's morning, I wake up and get ready for the day. I'm in the kitchen and I have a vial on the counter, I grab a knife and prick my finger with it. My blood drips into the vial "What are you doing?" Theo asks appearing behind me "Putting my blood in a vial." I answer "Why?" Theo asks again, "None ya." I answer again. Theo sighs "Uncle, we can't keep secrets from each other." He tells me, I scoff, about to tell him off when the doorbell rings. I answer the door, it's Kade "Hello, Little Heretic." He greets, "Hi." I greet back and let him in.

Kade sees Theo "Hey, Tri-Guy." He greets, Theo glances at him and turns back to what he's doing, Kade turns back to me "I see he still doesn't like me." He said, I scoff "Come on." I say and lead him to my bedroom, Kade looks around "Nice room, it's a little messy." He said. I chuckle "I haven't had the chance to clean up. With you and my 'Parents' coming back to life, also the supernatural at war with each other. I've been pretty busy." I tell him. I pull out the vial with my blood in it and hand it to him "Here." I say, He takes it and smiles "Is this your blood?" Kade asks. I nod "Kinda hoped that I would drink directly from you?" Kade asks hopeful, I make a face "No." I say.

I sit on my bed and Kade sit with me "Your no fun." He said as he examines the vial then stares at me and I stare at him. Kade leans in and presses his lips to mines, and starts to kiss me. I kiss back our tongues tangled, fighting for dominances but neither of us gave up then we pull apart panting a little "Wow, I'm not your first kiss." Kade said, "No, you're not but you are the guy I ever kissed." I tell him. Kade smirks looking at the vial again "When are you gonna take it?" I ask him "When the time is right." Kade answers.

I raise an eyebrow at him "What do you mean?" I ask "Something is brewing in this town and I don't want to die again... or at least permanently die." Kade tells me. Kade gets up "Walk out me?" He asks, I nod, we get downstairs and Theo's nowhere to be seen. I wonder where he went? "See, you later, yeah?" Kade said, I nod "Yeah." I say back then Kade gives me a peck on my lips and leaves. I sigh, well, it seems I've started a relationship with a guy, I kinda like it.

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