Chapter 1

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Trevor Stines as Theodore Mikaelson, pic above if you forgot what he looks like^

Theo's POV

It's been two months since we had to fake my Little Sister's death and the wolves have taken over the Quarter. Uncle Elijah and Father are biding their time before they enact a plan to take New Orleans back from the wolves. As for Uncle Henrik, he went back to school, it surprised me at first but after everything that's happened I guess he needed some normalcy. I don't blame him, I mean, he's happier than he usually is, which is good.

I'm at the Olmstead Foundry with Uncle Elijah taking a tour of the building to prevent the wolves from buying it and turning it into a casino "Authentic cast-iron columns... look at that, the original Bloomery Forge, fueled by a charcoal furnace." Elijah said, he notices a fire sprinkler system up in the ceiling "The modern element blends quite nicely indeed. We have a vested interest in seeing this building protected." Elijah said "This place is a dump! The Guerrera Family would be doing this city a favor." Wolf Lackey said.

I notice a gold moonlight ring on the Lackey's finger, one of twelve rings that takes away my Father's strength every full moon and we've found the last of them "Well, unfortunately, under the preservation act of 1966, we cannot allow the Guerreras to demolish one of the city's originals Foundries... even if it's something as distinguished as a casino." Elijah said.

Uncle Elijah politely gestures for them to leave "So, thank you, gentlemen. Do give my best to Francesca." Elijah said then they leave. I look at Uncle Elijah "You saw, right?" I ask "Yes, the last of the twelve rings." Elijah answers "So, then it's time?" I ask "Yes." Elijah answers, I smirk "Wonderful, let's go tell Father." I say then we leave the foundry.

We get to the compound and we go to the study to find Father shouting in frustration, throwing a canvas across the room. Elijah picks it up and examines it "I suppose we can call this your 'white period'." Elijah said "I'm missing a crucial color in my palette—that of my enemies' blood." Klaus said "Well, I recommend a venetian red, with a dash of rust..." Elijah said jokingly "It's been months! I've had to adhere to our plan: sit and do nothing, sell our grief. And now, my child is safely away, and another full moon is upon us—another night of pathetic weakness as the moonlight rings steal my strength!" Father exclaims in frustration.

Elijah and I give him a sympathetic look, Father calms down slightly but he's still clearly upset "The inertia is killing me. I need to act. I- I- I need—I need to spill blood." Klaus said "Well, then, you'll be pleased to know that we've located the last the twelve rings forged with your blood." Elijah said, Father perks up slightly "Then, it's time!" He said excitingly "And none to soon. I'm concerned about Hayley." Elijah said. Hayley, I haven't spoken to her since we had to send away my Little Sister; I've been so busy planning with Father and Uncle Elijah. Trying to keep my mind off of everything that's happened, I miss my Sister dearly but I couldn't possibly know how Hayley feels, I can only imagine.

Father and I go to Marcel's loft, we overhear a conversation between Josh and Marcel "I'm not looking for tough guys, Josh. I'm looking for warriors." Marcel said "What's the difference?" Josh asks, we make our appearance known "A warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for family." Klaus said smiling and Marcel smiles back. Marcel, Father, and I are discussing a plan on how to take back New Orleans from the wolves "The wolves have numbers. Back in 1925, the Guerrera pack was maybe a hundred. We went guerilla warfare on their asses and wiped them out." Marcel said, "But, we're not just talking about Guerreras now. They've had wolves coming in from packs all over." Marcel said.

I can tell what Father is going to plan with Marcel, besides I don't think Marcel has the white oak stake; what good would that do him, if Father died then so would he. I take out my phone and walk outside, I call Uncle Henrik "Hello, Uncle." I say "Theo, hey." I hear him say "How was your day?" I ask him "It was good." Noah answers, I smile a little "Good, are you home?" I ask "Yeah, why?" He asks back "Do you plan on going out tonight?" I ask "No... wait, are you guys going to do it tonight?" Noah questions, I sigh "Yes and I strongly recommend that stay in tonight." I say "Okay, was that all?" Noah asks "Yeah, bye Uncle." I say "Bye." He said back then I hang up. I turn around and see Father and Marcel "How's Henrik?" Father asks "He's good." I answer, Father smiles a little "So, are we ready yet?" I ask, Father smirks "Almost." He answers.

I'm back at the Compound in the study with Father. The plan is underway and the moon is at its apex. I watch as my Father loses his strength, it pains me to see him this way, then he gasps in relief; the plan is working, good, Father is regaining his strength back. I sense wolves approaching the Compound, Hayley is downstairs ready to fight and I'm with Father to back him up.

Father smirks as he regains more strength and starts to grab some supplies, I guess, Father has found some inspiration in his returning strength. Two wolves made there way into Father's study, I vamp-speed towards one of the wolves and plunge my fist into his chest and rip his heart out. The other wolf gets two paintbrushes impaled in his throat then Father drags them towards his canvas and starts to paint with there blood. Hmm, I guess, Father meant what he said.

After the plan was successful, Uncle Elijah joins us in the study as I watch Father paint "I'm still not at full strength. Which of the rings are unaccounted for?" Klaus asks "Only one. I must say, the Brothers fought valiantly before Ms. Guerrera escaped." Elijah said. Father turns around gives him an incredulous look "You let her get away?!" Klaus asks shocked "... not exactly." Elijah answers, I smirks, I hope Hayley rips Ms. Guerrera to shreds.

I get home, I walk up to the front porch steps when I see the front door wide open. I rush inside, I look around, nothing is out of place... wait, where is Henrik? "Uncle!" I shout, nothing, no answer. I check his room and he's not in there, I start to panic a little. Okay, who could've taken him, it couldn't be the wolves we just took back the city from them, the witches... no, they barely have any power as it is; which is a shame, and the vampires know better. I sigh, I can't tell Father or Elijah they'll just tear the city apart when they just got it back, no, I have to find him myself.

I start to gather objects that belong to Henrik and a map then I perform a locator spell "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex versa, sequitas sanguinem." I chant, I keep chanting until it shows me a location. So, Uncle is still in New Orleans, good, I look up and notice that it's light out. I must've been chanting all night, my phone rings, it's Elijah, I answer it "Yes, Uncle." I say a little irritated, Elijah wants me to meet him at Marcel's loft but I don't have time for this. I sigh and make my way there.

I see Elijah watching Marcel from afar giving a speech to his new vampire community "Uncle, why am I here?" I ask impatiently "Got somewhere else to be? Are you not interested in your 'Little Brother's' new community." Elijah said. I glance at Elijah, I don't like the way he said that "Of course, I'm interested. Marcellus is a natural born leader, though I wonder where he got it from, I know it wasn't from Father and I definitely know it wasn't you." I say... did I just insult Uncle Elijah?

Elijah turns to face me and glares at me, I glare back. Marcel notices us and approaches us, he doesn't look to pleased to sees us "Elijah. Theo. Didn't expect to see you guys on this side of the river." Marcel said "Of course, I would be here. I wanted to extend my services to you as a witch, seeing as you have new community. I'd be happy to create some daylight rings for them." I offer with a smile. Marcel stares at me for a moment as if he can tell something is wrong then he smiles "Uh... thanks, Theo." Marcel said, I nod "Well, I have to go." I tell them "You just got here, Nephew." Elijah said "I have an urgent errand to run, bye." I said then I walk away. I hear a conversation between Marcel and Elijah as I walk away "Something seems off with him, more than usual." Marcel said "Yes, I think your right..." Elijah said.

I go to the location that my spell showed me, it took me to a neighborhood and there's houses everywhere, I sense around for Henrik. I stop in front of a certain house because I smell blood from it. I approach the house and open the door then I slowly step in; seems I don't need an invitation, whoever lived here is dead. I look around and see Uncle on his knee with blood on his face and he's in shock, I also see a dead body next to him. I see someone else that I've never before, he had short dark hair and a slender build, and he's a witch.

So, it was the witches, well, he better be a rogue witch because if he's part of a coven then that coven will be forfeit. No one messes with Uncle Henrik, I glare at this witch as I make my appearance known. When the witch sees me, he smiles fearlessly "Theo..." I hear Henrik mumble, I glance at Uncle Henrik then I look back at the witch "Who are you?" I ask in barely contained anger, the witch chuckles "Sorry, I'm Kinkade Lenoir but my friends call me Kade, nice to meet you." He said smiling, is he amused by all this? My face starts to vamp-out as I become furious, I'm going to tear this witch limb from limb.

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