"Sure, go ahead."

"Thanks, Taeyang." Before the words were out of her mouth, Jennie was rushing down to the exit door.


Jin waited with bated breath as he stood watching the front doors of the building where Lisa had asked him to meet her. He checked his watch for the third time in the past fifteen minutes before running a nervous hand through his brown hair. Slowly the seconds ticked by until the doors opened to reveal a grinning Lisa.

"So, it is good news then. Am I correct?"

"Absolutely!" Lisa's response was accompanied by a vigorous positive head shake. "The doctor cleared me. I can go back to work tomorrow."

"That's great Lisa. You have no idea how happy I am."

"Not as happy as I am, pal." Her grin widened.

"I mean it. I wouldn't be able to stall Captain Bennett for much long. He wanted to hook me up with another partner." Jin exhaled a sigh of relief. "Not to mention that you really freaked me out. You know, you have no idea how scary it was to see you lying in that pool of blood. I thought I'd loose you." He confessed fighting to keep his inner demons at bay.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, partner." Lisa patted his back before pulling him closer in a one arm hug. "You're stuck with me for a long, long time."

"Good." Jin nodded. He was glad to see his friend in a better mood. "How about having a beer to celebrate?"

"Not yet. I'm still on meds." Lisa informed as she searched her pockets. "In fact, the doctor prescribed something new for the pain..." Her hands kept roaming the pockets in her pants and jacket until they came to an abrupt halt. "Shit, I forgot the prescription." She declared retracing her steps into the building. "Stay there. I'll be right back."

In a flash Lisa disappeared inside the clinic. Seeing his partner's renewed vigor and enthusiasm made Jin chuckle. His revelry, however, was short lived after hearing a familiar name called out a little louder than it should have been.

"Dr. Kim?"

Jin turned to see a large, dark-skinned man approaching the familiar looking doctor as she made her way across the plaza. Something about the man's demeanor raised Jin's hackles. The burly man had an air of hostility pouring out of him. A sharper appreciation of his body language quickly turned him into a suspect when Jin saw the guy's hand fumbling for something in his waistband. By the volume of the bulge coming from under the man's jacket, Jin knew he had a gun. Immediately, the lieutenant started to react but slowed considerable once his peripheral vision caught Lisa standing attentively only a few feet away from the obvious display.

"If you don't mind, I'm really late for a meeting." Jennie growled, turning away.

"Doctor, nobody in that damn ER wants to tell me where the boy is." The man strode right up to Jennie and mustered every inch of his height in an effort to intimidate the woman as he stepped in front of her. "They said you ordered the boy to be secured."

In direct response, Jennie took a step back trying to regain some personal space. "Yes, I did. As I've said before, the child needs to be cleared by the psychiatrist before he speaks to anyone."

"Look doctor, I don't have time to waste waiting for some shrink to give his okay. I want to see that boy NOW." The man tried to impose his authority by leaning in. He was so close that his nose was almost touching Jennie's.

Sensing an escalating situation, Jin came forward with a couple of determined strides. "Is there a problem here, Dr. Kim?"

Jennie glanced to her side and the vision of a familiar face approaching was like a breath of fresh air.

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