5 mintues

250 15 2

••Your pov••

Everyone sat on the couch as the new Halloween movie played on the flat screeen.

Jay and glizzy say on the couch to the left while cordae sat on the couch with me and nick. Every once and a while somebody would crack a joke about how stupid the people are we would laugh and continue to watch.

My eyes focused on the tv I went to stick my hand in the popcorn bowl that sat on my lap but I was empty. I sighed glancing at the bowl before looking at the movie "Can we pause it" I asked not wanting to miss anything.

"No" jay answered not evening looking at me. Swigging my feet off nicks lap which caught his attention. He head snapped in my direction "where u going".

I raised up the popcorn bowl "gotta get more popcorn" before standing up and walking to the kitchen.

Going threw nicks cabinet until I found the popcorn. Throwing it in the microwave and setting it for 5 minutes while I stood there and watched.

Hands wrapped around my waist and kisses were left on my neck. Small giggles left my lips as I turned around pecking nick on the lips.

He licked his lips before eyeing me up and down. "We not fucking in the kitchen" I said knowing already what he wanted. He smacked his lips.

"Babyy come on" he said stretching out the n. "We can fuck upstairs then" he gripped on my butt.

"I'm not fucking while you friends here and that's final" nick sighed spinning us around so that his back was facing the microwave. He pushed me up against the island that sat in the middle of the kitchen.

"Ight we won't then" he said leaning in closer to me. "U funna suck my dick then" he started with short kisses which only lasted a few seconds before the turned into deep ones.

My hands when to his Gucci belt tugging on it. I turned us around so his back was against the island.

Getting on my knees I unhooked his belt.glancing up at nick threw my eyelashes as he watched me intensely.

Taking my hand before palming his threw his underwear. Low fucks and shits left his lips as he tried his best to be Quiet.

Tugging down his underwear I started to give him a handjob till he got how I wanted him before putting him in my mouth.

"Fuck" nick sighed out as he watched me. Fitting as much as I could into my mouth which was only half considering his size.

Nicks hands gripped the edge of the island causing his knuckles to turn white. "Fuck" nick said letting out a moan behind it.

Nick started to thrust his hips making me choke a little bit. Putting my hand up to stop his hips. Before taking more of him into my mouth.

Another moan came out of nicks mouth "shit baby I'm close" he said throwing his head back.

"Get me a pop" cordae yelled from the living room. Which was only around the corner from the kitchen but u had to turn the corner to get to it.

Nick bit his lips to stop any moans from coming out. "Shit Ight" he responded.

Taking him out of my mouth making him frown "Yo What u-" he cut himself off with a groan. As I began to suck again reaching my hand up and massaging his balls.

"Shit baby im about to cum" releasing in my mouth. I swallowed standing wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

Nick buckled his pant back up before pulling my elbow making my come close as he smashed his lips against mine.

They kiss was ended short with the sound of the microwave signaling the the popcorn was done.

"Damn near sucked the soul outta a nigga " nick pecked my lips before grabbing the bowl and dumping the popcorn in there.

We both walked back in the living room sitting on the couch as I ate some popcorn. Cordae looked at us.

"Nigga where my drink." He asked.

Y'all want more like this or whatttttttt


Love u my bald headed bitches 💕

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