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I do not mean to offend anybody in anyway. So please Don't take it serious.

3rd person

2am is what the clock read Jordan sat in her and nicks shared bedroom.

It had started when he said that he was at the studio working late. Then he said that he was just hanging with the guys.

But when he came back he smelled of cheap perfume and hickies scrarred across his neck.

She tried to act like she didn't smell or see the hickies.she wanted it all to go away and there relationship to be normal.

She spent months thinking that it was her fault that he would cheat on her. So she changed the way she acted .

She would serve him and do as he wished but things still didn't change.

So she changed the way she dressed. She started to dress in shorter outfits and lace fronts. But he still cheated.

She thought maybe he could feel the pain she felt. So she cheated on him with one of his friends.

But in the end she felt worse then before.

She knew if they ended badly that he would lie and say she cheated so she hid her pain.

When they were in public she smiled and acted like they were the perfect couple.but as soon as they got home they acted as strangers.

Nick slowly opened the door making sure Jordan was not in site before closing he door.

He slowly crept to the kitchen to grab a drink when the light flickered on before he even touched the switch.

Jordan sat at the island her eyes starring right into nicks.

"Hey baby" he said grabbing a water bottle.

"Why u up so late" he leaned against the counter staring at her back.

"I'm not stupid nick" Jordan answered not daring to face him knowing she would break down in tears.

"What are u talking about" nick sat down his water bottle walking over to comfort Jordan.

But she instantly stood up causing the chair to sleet across the floor and hit the counter behind her.

"Why do u fucking cheat" she said sobbing tears running down her face.

"" each word she cried harder her fist pounding at his chest.

"Calm down we can work this out" nick said trying to stop her from hitting him.

Jordan swung her fast as hard as she could causing them to hit nick in the mouth.

By reflex nick pushed Jordan back causing her to trip over the chair from earlier and smack her head on the table.

Nick whipped the blood from his mouth before glancing at Jordan.

Quickly going to her side he tried to see the damage he had caused.

"Fuck baby I'm so sorry" he apologized over and over again trying to hold the wound on the back of her head.

Jordan's vision was going in and out.

Nick rushed into the bathroom grabbing a towel to stop the bleeding.

"Don't touch me" She weakly attempted to push nicks arms away as he held the towel again the gash on her head.

Nick realized the bleeding wouldn't stop so he panicked and dialed a random number on his phone.

"Hello" a sleepy jays voice was heard threw the phone.

"Fuck jay she hit her head and it won't stop" nick fumbled over his words trying to explain the his best friend what happed.

"Nigga she what" jay said sounding more alert.

"I pushed her to hard and she fucking hit her head and it bleeding a-" nick cut himself off with a loud sob.

"Nigga call the police I'm on my way over" jay said hanging up the phone.

Jordan sat on the floor body now slumped over as she felt like she was losing blood to quickly.

Her throat felt to hoarse to talk so she watched the blurry light of nicks faces she watched as he paced back and forwards.

She watched as pain took over his face as he cried out for help as his whole world came crumbling down.

Now he knew how she felt.

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