Popular Antisocial Headphones Kid, part 2

Start from the beginning

"Well you said that it was time to move to another country and I said 'or you could stay and smoke a joint with me?'" Michael repeated and reached into his back pocket, pulling out a cigarette with marijuana in it, "so what I'm asking is... do you wanna get stoned in my basement?"

"Y-your basement?" Jeremy inquired.

"Skip school, drive to my house, get stoned in my basement. My parents won't be home so it's alright. Which means we can just hang out, play retro games, get high, you know the usual?"

Jeremy just stared at Michael. He was normally a good kid, he didn't smoke or skip, but... what it could hurt to try? Besides Michael was asking him. The same Michael he was currently falling for. What was he supposed to say? No? Still, he was nervous, was-was Michael asking him on a date?

"I-I've never smoked," he admitted quietly and watched as Michael's eyes widened.

"Wait really?"

"Um, ya..."

"Oh, well you want to try? Or we can just go get lunch or something?"

"I-I mean I've never skipped either..." Jeremy replied and looked away from Michael and when the high-class boy didn't answer, he got the nerve to ask, "why-why are you even talking to me?" He glanced back up at Michael's face.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked, tilting his side to the side.

"You're a high class- the highest. A-and I'm a low class, so I-I'm confused, why are you even talking to me?" He mumbled and watched Michael's face change from confusion to what looked like sympathy.

"Jeremy," the older boy said, taking a cautious step towards him, his voice soft, "I'm talking to you because I like you. You're a really nice person from what I've seen and... you're the first guy that's ever been into me. I don't care if you are a lower class. I would really like to get to know you more if that's alright. We don't have to skip. We can go after school if you want?"

Jeremy's eyes widened and he stared at Michael, his face twisted in a shocked expression.

"Or if not that's fine too-"

"No!" He interrupted Michael, his cheeks flushing dark crimson, "I-I mean I'd love to g-go out- on a date with you!"

Michael smiled at him, it wasn't fake or forced, it was a genuine soft smile. Jeremy felt like he might faint, this was all happening so fast, but he didn't even care.

"Michael?!?!" A shocked and angry voice yelled from behind them. The two both spun around to face it. Will stood there, hands on his hips, and staring at Michael with an angry expression. "What the hell are you doing out here?! With him. He's a lower class Mell, you aren't supposed to be talking to him! If Nick saw you like this, you'd be dead, now come on, we're headed to Nigel's for some beer."

"Not right now William, I'm busy," Michael stated plainly and Jeremy shrunk behind him as Will took a few angry steps forward.

"Excuse me? Don't forget your place, Mell-"

"Michael, it's Michael. Don't call me Mell, I've told you this about a hundred times. Now-"

"What has gotten into you?! First off you are an upper class, below me, Nigel, and Nick. You listen to us! Second, he is a lower class, we don't talk to them. I don't care if you're gay and he likes you. All he is is a rat, he-"

"You have no right to talk about him like that! You don't know him-"

"Do you?!"

"At least I care if he lives or dies! You-"

"Oh shut up Mell! Let's just-"

"I'm staying here. And don't call me Mell, Shakespeare." Michael snapped and took a step towards the other high-class male. "Leave, you-" but before Michael could say anything else, Will's fist connected to his jaw and he fell backward and onto the ground.

"Michael!" Jeremy gasped and dropped to his knees, "a-are you okay?" Michael groaned as a trickle of blood ran down his chin. "Oh god, Michael-"

"He's fine. Now get out of here, unless you want to end up lying in the dirt as well?" William spat at him and Jeremy swallowed nervously and got to his feet, his legs shaking.

"I-I-I won't leave h-him!" He managed to get out and stood his ground.

"I'll patch him up, alright?! He's fine. But I'm not kidding, move."

"You-you promise he'll be okay?" Jeremy asked carefully, glimpsing down at Michael.

"Yes, now get out of my way," William growled at him and curly-haired boy glanced at his new friend once more before turning and running the other direction as fast as he could.

This was not the direction I thought this story would go, but I personally like it. Tell me what you guys think! Btw thank you for all of the support. I really appreciate it. Sorry for this being so late, school is being a b*tch. We're learning quadradics. Like where in the world am I ever going to use this??Anywhooooo, enjoy and make sure to leave a comment:))

Word Count: 1485

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