The Mystery Awaits You

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Started life with a cry well did you think why you cried?? In the first place, you don't want to be in this world might be you come back after death isn't it odd? What is the reason? What's the quest? Behold THE MYSTERY AWAITS YOU!

When I was a child I never thought of the world, life, death, or even the future, at that time I thought of something which might not be possible how to fly, how to see through people minds or how to be a superhero...
I made a single great mind of a child to a rusted piece of mind!

Change! Change! Change! Everything in this life will change no matter if it's me you or you!

Human changes a lot during their lifetime period, a change can be for betterment, it can be due to situations, consequences, fear and love as well. I was a kid and I was a grown-up, believe me, I never thought of these situations, as overcoming the days and confronting everything you see, makes you an adult
But that's not true! even after facing everything and living so, you will be judged by people.
I think a person can never be a grown-up however it has some or at least a little of its childhood. Well, that's the most beautiful and the purest form when an adult was a child with all due innocence and happiness!

Every decision you take no matter small or big will directly or indirectly affect your future-self that's how it is interlinked perhaps every action possesses an equal opposite reaction now or in the future which makes you unguarded or fortunate.

A person who takes any decision bad or good has outcomes, well that's what it's all about life so what could you do to make a decision which is not bad for you, but for now all you can do is just to make a decision. No matter what good or bad happens. Life is Unpredictable and so does you!

Regarding the paradoxes never heard of a thing called space sure you do! But ever heard of a place called Parallel Universe that's what a mystery is? As research is going on this topic too I would like to share my opinion as a metaphor...

Life or Consider This Earth what aspects do it have of sustainment? Gravity? Time? Space? These are all discovered by The Man itself ... So were the scenarios happening in the world related?

How come a world moves with a specific time and who defined it? Does that still a mystery?

As moving further in our setting there might be an entrance to the parallel universe maybe or maybe not?

Heard of dreams, you feel the dream like it's happening? Is it happening or just a hoax? If it's a hoax then why do you feel it? Like it's real...

Considering our mind components the major work which we carry from our conscious minds always what about subconscious mind? What about the unconscious state and beyond that?

How can a person feel a dream like it is real but can't control it I think it is mainly due to its subconscious mind, a lot of information as it can't be controlled by us for now!

It carries all our daily thoughts of the world and it might reflect all of it while we are asleep ....

Or it has something to do with the soul????

How come the soul is present? What is Soul? A phase of matter? What is made of particles, atoms? It's all a mystery ...

Name it as subconscious mind or soul can be two different things but I consider it as one single phase of human where it has its darkest desires maybe flying, running...

As this mind or soul we can say when gets activated it can access thousands of random memories along with thousands of scenarios which we observe in our dream always... These can be minute projections of our minds or travelling of the soul to different places while we were asleep?

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