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Chapter 5-


You'll be thinking right! Why past hurts, present ... What does it means?

Well be ready to jump into the present and enough of this depiction of future and past let me show you where I am now and when I am writing this, I am experiencing a lot of things which I want you all to know.

Let's get started, P-A-S-T, whatever happens, it does for a reason and for me it gave me a lot of things which I regret and appreciate the most.

So here I am in present! T0212 Hours Drinking a sip of mocha and observing people around you guessed it right I am in a coffee shop, and with people I see her sitting right in front of me, marvelous! Isn't she? Yes she is! Believe me this was the chapter I never wanted to give it to you all so early but I don't know until when we just going to watch each other and when will I make the first move, it's been a week same time, same place, we just watch each other and time vanishes.

Guys she is looking towards me and I'm drop dead nervous, what if she comes here and say hie to me what will I say? Adrenaline rush poof! That's a lot for a soul like me to handle, I have been running through all this love dove things all my life, not because I'm not getting anyone but I guess I was waiting for the right one to come and believe me you all will feel when the right one comes, so here she is let me continue the story, a sip of coffee an eye to eye we are just having koffee with Karan here, and a mixture of don't breath we aren't saying anything just staring! Someone said it correct in love my friend eyes speaks body travels, and for love you don't need a language! I am in love I guess or it could be anything!

Let me tell you how it all started, after a job from 9 to 9 and having shit colleagues all around you right, you need an inspiration to complete this story of you for the people who are waiting eagerly for the next chapter, so how it started.... TUESDAY EVENING a coffee break took away my heart, it wasn't the coffee this time neither the silence around it was her with her blue black attire and a contagious smile, when she entered the shop I was mesmerized, With that eyes of her looking at me, she was holding millions of stories oh yes! I wanted to listen to all of them and want her to listen to me; it's been a week now silence is between us I want to end this awkward silence.

TUESDAY was the day when she first entered the shop with a canvas book of her I guess she's an artist who loves to paint, or she likes to draw when she is vain, but whatever she is she's a mystery to me with that changing expression of her I am stuck completely... The first time I saw her I saw her for completely 10 mins, she must be thinking "What a creep" but I guess she didn't until now, first second and third day passed by the same flow, a sip and an eye we are on a row, a boat with no strings a boat with no direction we are two lost souls together, was that enough once and for all.

Well she is here right now looking into her phone I guess she have someone but I'm not sure! Wait is all I can do and I think it'll be worth after so many years, someone changed my work!

Should go and talk to her or should I wait for more? Confusion is all around me but I am waiting to know her eagerly, she has that magic in her eyes which I can't ignore honestly!

Wait one second she just took out her a paper and a pen and looking right at me is she going to call cops or her buffed boyfriend jonnie? Well I still don't know what she's upto I am completely freaked while she is still writing something.

I should wait and see I guess what will be the consequences; guys wish luck to this pitch now I'm all in and dead.

Wait! She's not writing, she is drawing something, I seriously wanted to see.

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