Part Thirty Four- The Curtain Rises

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We waited what seemed an eternity until finally- thud. Crows squawked loudly and when I looked to my friends Hermione was crying into Harry’s shoulder.
“They did it. I can’t believe they did it.” I looked to Harry and Ron and they too looked sad.

It was only then that I allowed myself to lay eyes on Peter Pettigrew, furiously squirming in Ron’s hands as if he was on fire. I’d only have to create some sort of excuse to get my hands on him now, and then getting him to Sirius would be easy. I looked towards the Whomping Willow where Sthyss had been heading, unsure that that was even where Sirius would be hiding, since I’d seen him a few times in the forest. I hoped that Sthyss knew more than I did.
“Ouch! Scabbers, stop it, it’s me!” Ron told the rat that was freaking out in his hands.
“Ron!” Harry said, his face relaying the ‘shut up’ part of the message.
“I can’t help it Harry, it’s Scabbers, he’s gone berserk.” We were all watching the rat and I hoped that Peter hadn’t recognised me. But my mind was put at ease when I saw glowing yellow eyes not far from us- and growing closer, it was Crookshanks.
“No, Crookshanks go away!” Hermione said desperately. But Crookshanks wasn’t listening- and neither was I. 
“Ouch! He bit me!” Ron yelled and involuntarily dropped the fur ball into the grass, which was exactly what I’d been waiting for. I turned into a snake and shot after the rat, guiding him towards the tree where only seconds ago I’d seen a jet of black emerge. But I could also feel the vibrations in the grass of three people in close pursuit of me and the rat and it was Ron who sent himself flying through the air- his hands reaching out and grabbing Pettigrew. I didn’t turn back though as Harry and Hermione caught up because I could smell something on the wind. I hissed loudly and heard a sharp bark in return.
“Get- off you stupid c-” Ron was stopped as the three of them laid eyes on Sirius who had just come pounding over the hill. Sirius growled and I saw Harry going for his wand just as the giant dog leapt through the air and landed on all four paws between Ron and the tree. There was a struggle as Sirius grabbed Ron’s leg between his jaws and pulled- the boy was dragged backwards down the hole- screaming at the top of his lungs. “Help!”
I was quick in pursuit as I saw a branch of the tree moving in the corner of my eye.

Waiting a few second I let Sirius get further down the tunnel with boy and rat before following, not wanting Ron knowing that I knew the giant shaggy monster that had just pulled him down a dark tunnel was Sirius Black- or that I hadn’t helped him.
I changed back though just before I reached the trap door- or more where I thought the trap door was, I was terrible when it came to the bloody thing and it was only my outstretched hand that stopped me from smacking my head into it. So throwing it open I clambered up through the gap and shut it silently behind me. I could hear paws coming from upstairs and winced at how painful it must have been to be dragged up them.
Mounting the staircase I tip-toed up to the floor above and peered down at the ground- there was a muddy smear from the trap door, up the stairs and now, leading into this room.
“Ron?” I asked quietly, opening the door which creaked terribly.
“Imogene!” He sounded grateful that I was there- I looked across the room and Sirius was standing there looking very happy- although his happy face quite frankly looked as scary as hell. Apart from that brief glance I ignored him though and went straight to Ron, pulling out my wand and inspecting Ron’s leg, Ron, who was biting his lip from the pain looked terrified- perhaps even more so than the screaming creature in his hands. “Sirius Black.” He muttered and I nodded.
“I know Ron. I think your leg’s broken.” I observed, prodding it with my wand and calmly looked up at him, who winced and let out a grunt of pain.
“I won’t fix it because Madame Pomfrey would kill me if I tried but I can at least bandage it up.”
“Don't bother-” Sirius said quietly, “You won’t be here for long.” I shook my head and stood.
“Maybe not, but thanks to you his leg is broken and bleeding.” I snapped, not actually that angry at him but at Ron for chasing after Pettigrew and getting himself, and probably Harry involved in this. I tapped Ron’s leg with my wand and bandages flew out of the end and began to coil around the broken appendage. I heard Sirius move behind me.
“Don’t interfere.” My second cousin muttered behind me, I ignored him.

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