Chapter 2 - First test

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Kyle's POV Start

- Where in the name of The Great Zapfish are we? - Cap'n asked.

Me and Cap'n Cuttlefish thought that we found the exit, but we were wrong. The place, where we were now, was known as the railway station. I could see a strange phone here. I came closer to it. It was ringing. I wasn't sure it's a great idea to answer, but I did it. Then it started to "speak".


I couldn't understand anything, but then it started to talk normally.

- Greetings, 10,008. Your current location is: Deapsea Metro Central Station.

So that's how this place called. - I thought in my mind.

- My primary function is to facilitate your journey to the promised land(slenderm1khail(Me) - Liar you are, TarTar.). Pleased to make your acquaintance.

My acquaintance? I even don't know who I am talking with. Is that phone for real?


I couldn't understand anything again.

- What is crackalacking, home skillet? Let us bounce to the promised land for sho. - it said.

Home skillet?! Why you little! Stupid phone!

While he was telling these "facts", having [ERROR] thing, he also told me that if I need to leave the Deapsea Metro, then I need to find four thangs first of all. That phone, before the full deactivating, gave me CQ-80 device & CQ card.

- Applicant 10,008? - Cap'n asked - That's a beakful. I think I'll just call you Agent 8.

Fair enough. Wait... I am an agent now? So that means that... Oh cod. That's cool! I think.

- The "promised land" must be the surface. - he said - I wonder how deep  underground we are...

Heh. Me neither. I hate this place already. I'm sure this "promised land" is much better and prettier.

- There is no time to waste! - Cap'n said to me. - C'mon, Agent 8! Grab those new dealie-dos and get moving.

After I picked these new "dealie-dos", me and Cap'n heard something. It was a train. We came inside. Cap'n said to me that he's pooped and he is in need to rest. Then the doors opened automatically. What I could see was some kind of sea slug.

- Thank you for using Deapsea Metro today. - it said. - I am your humble conductor, C.Q Cumber.

I was ready to laugh. Seriously? That thing is our conductor?

- You gotta be squidin' me! - Cap'n said - A talkin' sea slug?!

- Pardon me? - C.Q Cumber asked. - I take it this is your first time riding with us...

- Um... Actually yes. It's our first time. - I said to him.

- Well okay. - he said

Then he started to came closer to us.

- Alright, here's the deal... We're in a vast underground facility operated by the Kamabo Corporation... It's a series of test chambers connected by the Deapsea Metro subway system. - then C.Q Cumber noticed CQ-80 device in my hands - I see you're in possession of a CQ-80 device. I take it your aim is to reach the promised land?

- That's right! We want outta here! - Cap'n answered.

- Understood. - C.Q Cumber said to him. - The promised land is a paradise to which we denizens of the depths are forbidden entry. To reach it, you must pass a test at each Deapsea Metro station.

Agent 3 x Agent 8 Love Story(Octo Expansion)Where stories live. Discover now