Chapter 76; Painting Fun!

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After I made pancakes, I cleaned up all of the dishes and sat down to eat. "Are we ready for some painting today?" I ask, putting a cut piece of pancake into my mouth.

"I'm excited actually." Waliyha nodded, sipping on some orange juice. I look to Zayn and Safaa, which were in their own little conversation.

"Well I'm ready to try it out. I've never really painted a room before." I say, continuing to converse with Waliyha.

"Me either. It's going to be a great experience." Waliyha smiles softly.

"Hmm, not to sure if that was sarcastic or not."

"I don't know either. I guess we'll have to see." She shrugs with a small laugh.

"I really want to take a swim, but I think I should after painting." I say and Waliyha agrees.

"I want to swim!" Safaa breaks their small silence.

"Are you going to help us paint?" I ask and she nods in return.

"You should wait til after Safaa." Zayn says and I agree.

"Speaking of painting, when should we start?" Waliyha asks.

"What about after breakfast?" Zayn finishes his plate, "I'll go set down the paper and when you guys are finished, just follow me up there." He scoots his chair and sets his dish in the dishwasher.

"I want to help!" Safaa runs her plate into the kitchen, and before we notice, we hear her small feet running up the stairs.

"And then there was two." I push my unfinished plate forward and pull out my phone.

"I love the names you guys chose." Waliyha pulls out her phone.

"We decided kind of quick honestly." I chuckle.

"Well I like them... and these pancakes."

"I really hope my daughter is like you." I feel awkward saying, but it rushes out.

"Why?" She chuckles.

"Well.." I smile, "You're beautiful, you love shopping, you're smart, just the whole package."

"I wish you were my mom." She says softly and my head tilts slightly, "Cause we are the same person. You're fun to be with and I can tell you anything." She rushes.

"Did you sneak a picture of me?" I laugh, looking at a freshly tagged picture on instagram.

"Maybe." She smiles and jumps off the chair and brings her plate in the kitchen.

"Sneaky little girl!" I follow and she puts my dish in the washer.

We get upstairs and Safaa and Zayn already have newspaper lined on the floor. I walk to our room, pulling out 4 old shirts Zayn had already pulled out. I slip a pair of old shorts and Zayn's old shirt. I bring the other three in the room and have them slip into them. I hand Safaa a regular paint brush, Waliyha a paint roller. We dive rght in and start to paint on different walls. Zayn helps out Safaa while Waliyha and I do separate walls. I put my finger in the paint can and run behind Zayn. He turns around and I take my chance to wipe the yellow paint across his two cheek bones.

"You little." He gasps, running over to the paint can. I scream playfully, running over to where a tin on paint is. Waliyha and Safaa have caught on, rushing to the nearest paint tins. Zayn reaches over me, wiping paint across my forehead and cheek. I gasp and rub my wet, yellow fingers through his hair.

"UH OH! JAMIE GOT HIS HAIR!" Safaa giggles and Waliyha goes for Safaa.

"You'll pay." Zayn warns before grabbing the fully wet paint brush and running it through my hair as I screech.

"ENOUGH!" I shout with a laugh, realizing the huge mess on the newspapered floor.

We all laugh, taking a rest on the floor. "I hope you lined the newspapers well." I smirk at Zayn, leaning into his arm. "Me too." He laughs rubbing his fingers through his yellow streaked hair.


I love you more than I love candy ;* (and thats a whole lot) xD

This Chapters Song- Boy by Little Mix

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