So many questions, and no answers

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So after I managed to get the Avengers to understand that the Greek gods were real, and that Poseidon claimed me as his son, I told them about Steve. They were devastated.

We talked for a while longer, then we heard voices heading towards us. We stood up, and everyone got into a fighting stance.

The leaves rustled, and out popped a head of blond hair. Then another. Luke and Annabeth. I relaxed once I saw them, but Natasha got her handgun ready.

"Who are you?" She asked.

Luke held up his hands. "Hey, put down the gun. We just came looking for Percy since we couldn't find him. Then a couple campers told us they saw him leave camp. So we came looking. We don't mean any harm."

I grabbed Natasha's arm, and pulled it down. "It's okay. I know them." She reluctantly put the gun down.

I turned to the two demigods. "What do you want?"

"You have to come back to camp. At least stay here for the summer. You'll see them in the school year." Luke said.

I sighed. "This is my family."

"And you'll see them in the school year." Annabeth said. "Now we have to get back to camp. Three demigods, and one of them is of the big three. We better get going."

After I said my goodbyes, we went back to camp.

As soon as we passed the borders, I ran to the Big House.

"Chiron!" I called. He was sitting in his wheelchair playing a game with Mr. D. He turned to look at me as I came running up the steps.

"Where did you go, My boy?" He asked me.

"I saw the rest of the team outside of the borders. I went to explain things to them."

He nodded. "What brings you here?"

"I have some questions." He nodded for me to continue. "Well, when I was six, Loki came and said that I was his son. My mom seemed to know about this, but now, Poseidon claimed me as his? Who is my real dad? Loki or Poseidon? This is so confusing!" I dramatically sat down on one of the chairs. Yeah, I got it from Tony.

Chiron sighed. "I do not know, my boy. Perhaps Loki would have a better answer than I would. Or perhaps your mother. But, do not worry of it now, we will see what we can do in the morning. Now, head off to bed. It's getting late."

I nodded and went to my cabin. After a laid in bed for a while, trying to figure out what in Hades is going on, I fell asleep.

OO~OO~OO~OO~OO~OO~OO~OOSkipping Percy's dream cause I'm too lazy to write it.OO~OO~OO

After a dream, Grover came and told me Mr. D wanted me at the Big House. I went, and found out that I have to go on a quest!

What am I going to do! I have to see the Oracle, then pick two people to go with me! Grover is coming for sure, but who will be the third person? I'll figure that out later.

Right now I have to go up to the attic and meet some crazy Oracle and figure some things out.

Hey! I updated! Yay! So, I will put what I did on my other story.  Do you guys want me to put a music video of something like that? I'm doing it right now, because I felt like it. 

It's 'Loud' by R5. Pretty much what I have been listening to while I write this. 

And, I know you all want to know how Percy can have two gods and a mortal as a parent. You will find out as soon as Percy goes down to the underworld. I might just skip to that. I don't know. So, you will find out fairly soon.

So, comment, and all that.

goodnight, good morning, or whatever.


Percy Jackson, son of two godsWhere stories live. Discover now