Story 3

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The little boy was outside playing around. His mom was inside preparing lunch. She kept looking out the window to check on him. She soon became absorbed in her preparations that she didn't notice when the boy's laughter could no longer be heard. When she finished the lunch the mom called the boy. When he didn't come she went outside to get him and this is when she noticed he was nowhere to be seen. 

The mother frantically looked around for the boy and soon noticed the smell of smoke. Worried, she followed the smell to the nearby woods and in the center of the meadow was a huge black shape. When she stepped into the meadow the thing's head whipped around. The mother froze.

 She was face to face with a huge, black dragon. She snapped out of her shock when she saw her son come toddling around the dragon. Without warning the dragon shot into the sky and flew off leaving behind the smell of smoke. 

The mother rushed to her son. The boy looked at his mom and said: "did you see the big lizard I found?"

The mother replied, "yes but, I never expected to see him again."

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