Legendary Sprout

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"What can we do to repay you?" The manager of the blood bank asked. "You want money? House?" The man who the blood bank was indebted too, let's say, Ken, shook his head and say. "I only want a drum full of blood." The manager looked shocked. "What for?" He asked. "Nothing." Ken said. The manager was suspicious, but he gave it anyway.

--- time skip, near midnight ---

Ken was bringing the drum of bloom to a small grave. He poured the blood over grave and looked closely. Then he waters the grave. Nothing. "Something must be wrong." He wondered. Something is indeed wrong, but what?

--- time skip, a few months later ---

"Again, we are very indebted in you. What can we do to repay you again? Money? Another drum of blood?" The manager smiled at Ken, who once again saved the blood bank from trouble. "I heard that there's some blood mixed with ghost blood here." Ken said. The manager looked uneasy. "It was a mistake." He said. Ken shook his head. "No worries, I only wanted a drum of blood mixed with ghost blood and mixed again with sardines." Ken said. The manager looked more suspicious but thought nothing of it and gave it.

--- time skip, near midnight ---

Ken was back to the grave again. This time it was raining hard. He poured the blood all over the grave and let the rain waters it. A moment later, the earth began to rumbled and blood red sprout came out.

It was later called as the Legendary Sprout.

Do you want to know who was buried in the grave? It was the Ox's Ghost bones. Ken was going to revive it so beware! He might be in your house at the moment, disguising as your mother.

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