Chapter I

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It’s a chilly evening and Anna and I are walking through the park, heading to the car. Anna is a spunky strawberry blonde and blue eyed girl, whose personality is over the edge. Well, way out there. I am a brown hair, brown-honey eyed girl whose personality is not out there, but can be at times. I’m ‘more of the relaxed’ out of us both. Anyway, we just came from dinner, leaving this gorgeous restaurant called Gusto.

I had to park my black Camaro a block away because the streets were packed, so we had to walk 10 minutes to get back. We were at the edge of the climbers at the park, I stop and look around then I see a body that is hiding on the other side, by a little shrub.

“Hey Anna. Do you see that?” I ask her with a worried and suspicious look.

Anna looks and see’s it to. “Let’s go see what’s up.”  Anna being her usual self, skips over. She then looks back and see’s that I haven’t even started walking. “Come on Destiny.” She says in an upbeat voice.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Hold your horses.” I say while starting to walk towards her and the body.

 We stop in front of him and he is lying on his back with his eyes closed. I crouch down beside him and look at his face, recognizing him but can’t place the name, then all of a sudden Anna decides to kick him, right in the side.

“Anna, don’t kick the guy, He’s probably bruised now!”  I say with a smile.

She looks at me. “Sorry, do you want my to shake him wildly, yelling ‘Wake up you bozo’!” She says with a giggle.

“Never mind, I would prefer you not to do but kicking is fine. Just not hard, ok?” I say with a bit of a pleading.

“Awwwe.”  She says with a frown. I look at her with a serious face. “Alright.” She finally says.

I nod my head and look down. I notice that he didn’t even flinch, at all. I lean over to make sure he was alive. I put my index and middle finger on his pulse on his neck and I feel it beating a little bit faster than a normal resting heart rate. Meaning he was just doing something. He hasn’t been lying here for long. 

I look closer at his face, still thinking of his name. I think, thinking back to the news broadcast about them. Then it snaps into my head and I get a little shocked, then confused.

“Oh my god, Anna.” I say while standing up.

“What?”  She says with a shocked and excited expression.

“Do you know who this is?” I ask, looking at her.

“Nooo!.... Who, who, who?” She says with a bit of fright and getting a lot more excited. These types of things always do.

I look down and back up to her. “This man that we have found is no one other than Cloud. Cloud Strife! The one from the news."  I say with a shocked and nervous expression.

“What? Really?..... Ooooops. Sorry dude.” Anna says with a nervous, upset expression looking down at him. Cause she ‘had’ to kick him.

“Yeah...” I reply. I look down and see his sword above his head about a foot away. I pick it up and show her.

Her eyes widen and her expression reads. ‘Oh my God!!!!’, I laugh, then put it back down

After a moment, Anna asks. “What are we going to do with him?”

I think. “Well, we can’t just leave him here and my car isn’t far. You can see it right over there.” I say pointing towards my car. 

“True. So are we bringing him?” She asks with an eye brow up. Still in a bit of shock.

“I guess. Let’s get him to the car, it’s getting cold.”  I say with a chill going up my spine. Anna also seemed to notice cause she shivered too.

We pick him up, lifting his arms up first, then pick the rest up from there. Anna holds him for a second while I take off his sword strap, unbuckling the buckles, then put it on and around me. I grab the sword from the ground and I put it in it behind me. I grab Cloud’s right arm and I put it around my neck then put my left around his back, and help Anna carry him to my car.

“Man, he’s heavy. And it’s no help with his feet dragging. He’s like a dead load! My legs are going to give out.” She wines.

“Don’t just yet. We’re almost there, a few more metres.” I say with a smile, and also starting to hurt.

We finally get to the car and we carefully put him in the back, first his legs then drag him in by his feet, so he’s laying down. I put the sword on the floor beside him. I get in the car, start it, and sit there, letting it warm up.

“Berrrrr. Freezing... Finally, we made it! Where are we taking him?” She says with a wondering expression while putting her hands over the heater. 

“I guess my place. Yours is farther and it’s probably a mess!”  I say with a smirk, jokingly.

“Uh, hey!.. Fair enough.” She says. I role my eyes with a smile and I reverse. Then we head to my place.

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