Chapter 5--Denial

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After dinner and dessert were served, we all said our goodbyes. I helped my mother clean up and stood at the doorway once we were finished.

"Hey mom?" I called out.

She looked at me and smiled, "Yes sweetie?"

I bit my lip and said, "I'm going to find Kaido and clear up all of this mess, okay?"

My mother made her way over to me and placed her hands on my shoulders, "Honey. If you really like this boy and trust him then you are allowed to tell him the whole truth. You understand?" I smiled widely and nodded. With a quick goodbye and a kiss on my mother's cheek, I raced through the town in search of Kaido.

Once I finally made it to his house, I knocked on the door, hoping I wouldn't anger his parents for visiting so late in the evening. A woman I assumed was Kaido's mom answered the door.

"Hello ma'am, I'm (y/n), a friend of Kaido's. There was a misunderstanding and he left my house in a rush, so I was hoping to drop by and patch things up between us," I bowed.

The woman gave me a sweet smile, "So you're the (y/n) I've been hearing so much about. Kaido rushed straight to his room when he came home. He wouldn't tell me what was bothering him though. But maybe if I told him such a cute girl wanted to talk, he would come out."

A light blush dusted my cheeks, "Yes, I would be grateful if you told him I was here."

The woman nodded her head and opened the door wider for me, "Please, come inside. I'll go let Kaido know you're here."

Smiling at the kind woman, I took a seat on the couch as she went down a hall to where I assume Kaido's room was. I heard a quiet knock and Kaido's mother's voice saying there was someone here to see him, then some arguing, and finally two pairs of footsteps making their way into the living room. As Kaido saw me his eyes went wide and face got a little pale, but didn't say anything as his mother was still in the room. The three of us just sat there awkwardly for a few moments before Kaido's mom got up to make some tea.

When she left the room, Kaido finally turned back to me, "So Dark Reunion even knows where I live now, huh? I won't let you bring harm to my family."

Shaking my head, I tried to reach my hand out to the light blue haired boy, "Kaido, it's not like that. I'm not part of Dark Moon or whatever, what you saw was-"

"What I saw was evidence of your betrayal (y/n)! You're one of them, and that means I cant trust you," he then got up and ran back into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

My shoulders slumped as his mother came back into the room with tea. However, seeing as her son was not present, she let a soft sigh escape her lips as she sat down next to me. Putting a gentle hand on my shoulder, she comfortingly murmured, "He'll come around eventually, just give him some time."

Looking up at Kaido's mother with glossy eyes I gave a nod. "Thank you for letting me try to speak with him," I said while standing from the couch. "It's not a problem (y/n), you're welcome to stop by any time you'd like," the kind woman smiled at me. Nodding, I bid her farewell and started to make my way home.

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