Family Vacations

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I sat on the edge of the pier and stared into the pond.

This place reminded me of so many childhood memories. I smiled to myself. I still have the picture of us getting picked up by the tractor. Luckily my dad didn't let Jeff do it.

I miss dad so much.

All those times that I felt like this I had McKenna or Justine there to comfort and offer advice to me. Now I felt like there was no one my age to talk to about family problems.

I heard footsteps and was trying to think of a go away statement when I realized that it wasn't Kent or Jeff.

"Hey." Matt sat next to me.

"Hi." I stared straight ahead.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking quite concerned.

"Are you ever going to get tired of comforting me?" I snapped.

"Nope." Came the answer.

"Wait really?" I was now confused.

Did he ever get mad? Most guys would shoot back if you asked something that rudely.

"Never." He took my hand, but didn't even seem to notice.

"Is it impossible to get you mad?" I blurted out.

"Maybe for you." He smiled.

"Why do you say that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well you'd either have to beat me at a soccer game or pull a successful prank on me, but there both out of the question." He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Are you sure I can't pull a prank on you?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

"It's pretty hard to do that." He laughed at my stern face.

"What," I glared daggers at him. "is so funny?"

"You trying to be serious." He said breathless.

I kicked at the water with my bare feet. "Now you're saying I can't be serious! What else are you going to offend me with." I ranted on and on whilst he just smirked at me.

"So you're the one who cannot be serious." I crossed my arms and kicked at the water harder.

"You're right about that one." He nodded still smiling. "So what does your family have planned for this trip?"

"I really don't know only my mom, my aunt, and maybe Jeff." I completely missed the water and fell forward, but he caught me before I could go far.

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. "I'm glad I'm not the only that doesn't know."

"Kent and I tried to bribe Jeff into telling us, but he stayed silent so I don't know if he knows or not." I laid my head on his shoulder.

Matt was so good at taking my mind off of things.

"So you don't think Kent knows." Matt pushed some brown hair out of his face.

"I don't think so. I mean I've never seen him bet forty-five dollars for nothing."

"Seriously?" He asked in between laughs.

"Sadly it is true." I replied and a small smile tugged at my lips.


After dinner all of us piled around the TV, except mom. Yea she went to bed early.

Was it possible that she was tired of us already?

All four of us were fighting over what movie to watch.

"I am not watching that movie," I pointed to Pitch Perfect. "again."

"Well then what do you want to watch?" Kent asked annoyed.

"This one." I pulled a random movie out of the pile.

"Cutback? Are you kidding me?" He shook his head.

"I don't really care, let's just watch something." Matthew sat on the couch.

"Come on Kent, Cutback isn't that bad." Jeff insisted.

"Whatever." Kent sat down in the leather arm chair.

I gave the DVD to Jeff and shuffled over to the couch and sat next to my boyfriend.

Here's the update of today!!!

School starts Wednesday so I won't be able to update then, but I will try to update Tuesday it will probably be later in the evening because I have orientation that day. Tomorrow will be on regular time tho.

I literally just watched Cutback yesterday so that's why I chose it, but it is a really good movie. I'll explain it more in the next chapter.

The song of the chapter is "I Don't Want to be Your Friend" by a random artist.

Later people :)




<3 Abbz

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