Feel the Earth: Mountain Pose

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5 minutes

This simple yoga pose may help you be strong like a mountain. Feeling connected to the earth let's your body and mind exist in the here and now. It also strengthens legs and improves posture. As an alternative, imagine a mountain and feel as strong and still as it does.

❂ Stand with feet hip-width apart, with arms by your side, palms facing in, gently touching the thighs.

❂ Take a few breaths to become aware of your breathing. When exhaling, contract the pelvic floor muscles and lift them up until you feel a squeeze at the base of your buttocks, a physical sensation as if your sitting bones are coming closer. This action supports the spine from below. Continue to breathe evenly. With the next exhalation, roll the shoulders up, back, and down, releasing any tension in the upper back.

❂ With each in-breath, feel the uplifting in the entire spine, and with each out-breath, as you gently draw the navel to the spine, feel the support you are giving your lower back.

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