Chapter 3

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     Even though the Horseman would be attempting to rob Gringotts tomorrow Percy had to take the day off work.  He hadn't slept after last night's conversation.  How did Atlas know that he was.....did he know about it too?  No, no, no that wasn't possible.  It just wasn't.  Oliver would have taken the secret to the grave.  But maybe....there was always a chance that Penelope had told someone out of fear-or anger.  With a sigh he scrawled a letter asking Penelope to meet him and sent it off with his owl, Adonis. 

       Half an hour later they sat outside a small cafe gripping piping hot cups of tea.  "Why did you call me here Percy?  I had work today." he knew that of course, Penelope's mother ran one of the most famous Wizarding day-cares.  They got children four-ten ready for Hogwarts, teaching the rudimentary subjects such as English and Arithmatic.  After graduation Penelope had taken over as primary teacher.

"I have to ask you something.  Did you tell anyone about the incident?" his voice was hoarse and he couldn't even look her in the eye. 

"Of course not!" she replied wearily.  "I was upset at first when we broke up but I would never ever tell anyone about that.  And it wasn't your fault anyways, you didn't make Petar-"

"No!  Please don't say it....please." he begged.  He couldn't bear to hear it said out loud.  Petar was the source of all his fear and guilt.  Petar's memory burned like hot coils in his chest. 

"Percy you've got to move on.  It's been years.  Like I said it wasn't your fault.  He-He..." she trailed off shivering.  "Anyways why are you asking me this is someone," she leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper, "is someone asking about his death?"  Alarm lit in her eyes. 

"Sort of.  I don't know how much he knows but he knows that I'  He says he knows everything about me and the more he talks the more I believe him, I don't know how he would know but he does.  And I think he might know that Petar's death wasn't suicide." 

Instantly Penelope hissed and lurched back from him.  "It was suicide Percy!  Oliver and I risked our entire lives for you because of Petar!" she spat the name now.  "Everyone thinks it was suicide so it was suicide."  Both she and Percy were shaking now.  Percy and Penelope had never been the most sociable of people in the first place but the weight of their secret isolated them even more-pushed them even further, the only one who seemed to be faring well in the situation was Oliver.  But then again Oliver who always had been a Quidditch maniac now practiced and trained without pause.  So much so that Puddlemere United had to force him to take vacations lest he injure himself.  The secret was destroying all of them and it was all Percy's fault.

         He shouldn't have been surprised when Thaddeus showed up at Petar's grave.  "A friend of yours?"

"No, we weren't friends."

"I heard about him, Petar Parkinson the boy who commited suicide right?"

"Yeah....Petar was troubled." Percy said staring at the headstone.  The sight of it filled him with disgust.  Not just because of what he had done but because part of him still had feelings for the boy who had charmed him three years ago.  It had started out innocently but then it turned into a nightmare. 

"Were you close?"


"Then why are you here?"

The lie slipped easily from Perry's lips, he had said it so many times that it almost felt true, "I was there when he jumped.  I tr-ied," his voice cracked, "I tried to stop his fall but I was too late."

"It wasn't your fault son, I know how it feels to have someone you know die.  You put the blame on yourself but you can't.  It will eat you from the inside out."  Thaddeus said sadly looking down at the grave.  "Sometimes no matter how hard you try everything goes wrong." Thaddeus's voice was hoarse and he sounded much much older than he appeared.  Guilt and self loathing rose up in Percy's stomach, so much so that he was struggling not to get sick.  He here was getting sympathy and empathy from a man who thought he was sharing Percy's pain.  Thought he was comforting Percy.  Percy could almost imagine how the man's face would contort if he knew the truth.  Horror and utter revulsion.  He would spit on Percy if he knew.  Thaddeus had lost a friend and here Percy was, feeling sad because he missed the boy he had murdered

"I....'ve got to go."

"I hope you don't forget about our little plan tomorrow Mr. Weasley.  I'd hate for the Four Horsemen to escape again."

"Yeah yeah I'll be there." Percy said absent mindedly. 

     Arms snaked around him as Petar's familiar voice rang out. "Oh Percy, my Percy." the boy said his name with a possessive tone that made Percy shiver.  Their loved had started out so innocently-just two boys who adored rules and hoped to work in the ministry one day.  They bonded over their shared interests and soon spent every spare moment debating different ongoing ministry cases.  However Petar had other hobbies, hobbies that included pushing Percy to his limits.  Seeing how much it would take until he cracked.  Percy could feel Petar's hand gripping his arm's hard enough to leave bruises.  He said that it was how he showed his affection.  "Why Percy?" Petar asked.  Percy watched in horror as the boy let go of him and stood waiting for an answer.  It was Petar-but also not Petar.  He had the same black hair and pale skin that Percy had spent hours thinking about but his neck stood out at an odd angle.  The same way it had looked after Percy had killed him.  Petar grabbed him again digging his dirty fingernails into Percy's skin, "WHY?!"

"Wake up!" Percy shot up with a jolt slamming his forehead against something.

"Ow dammit!"

Percy clutched his head opening his eyes to see Atlas sitting on the edge of his bed.  "What are you doing in my room-again?"

"You know most people would say thank you."

"For what?!" Percy asked incredulously, "the headache?"

"For waking you up from a bad dream.  You were crying out." Atlas said bluntly.  "Your welcome by the way."  Suddenly Percy jumped up grabbing for his wand only to realize it wasn't sitting on his nightstand where he had left it.  "Looking for this?" Percy turned to see Atlas inspecting his wand.  "Can't have you arresting me can I?  Especially before tomorrow." Atlas smirked to himself.

"What are you doing here?"

"Right now I'm talking to you."

Percy huffed, "You know what I meant."

"Of course I do.  I'm here to test a theory."

"A theory?" Percy asked nervously.  Did he know about Petar?  How would he-Percy stiffened as Atlas embraced him bringing within centimeters. 

When he didn't move Atlas backed away for a moment.  "So I was right.  You are gay, but I still don't think that's the only reason you isolate yourself.  So Percy, what's the real reason?"

Percy shoved the other man away his face red.  "Stay away from me!  I'll get the aurors!"

"You don't mean that.  You know how I know?  Because if you did you wouldn't find out how I know you're secrets.  How I know about what really happened to Petar Parkinson."

Percy's blood froze and he felt as though he might pass out, "What?  What did you just say?"

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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