Part 1

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Part 1: The Dust Settled.

"He is crashing doctor."


The Doctor pressed the paddles against a mans chest and the shock was applied. He stared up at the monitor and exhaled, "Thats it. He is dead. Time of Death, 12:00 AM."

"I will tell the family." He told his workers as he stared down at the death of a young man.

A nurse burst into the room and stated, "Doctor Bendyke, you are need in Trauma 3. He is crashing."

Doctor Bendyke rushed out and quickly rushed over to Trauma 3. He seen Doctor Taylor on top of the table with his hand in Olyver Cartina stomach.

"I need you to control this bleeding. I cant close the hole." He told him.

Loso and Teddy rushed into the emergency room and was escorted into the waiting room. Teddy turned the corner and seen his father with a bandage on his forehead. He rushed over and hugged him.

"Los? What you doing here? Why arent you in New York." O.J asked. Loso hugged him and replied, "We will discuss that later, Olly needs us right now."

Suddenly, hearing Olly name triggered a crazed Quincy at a chair not far from this family conversation. He spazzed and kicked the table full of magazines on it. Maddie grabbed him to calm him down as Doctor Taylor turned into the emergency room.

"Where is the family of Olyver Cartina?"

Loso turned around and stated, "We all here, wassup where is my brother."

"It was a complication during surgery...but I was able to correct it. He is in recovery and will be able to have visitors soon. Immediate family can see him now." She told them as Loso, Teddy, and O.J took off.

They all walked in and O.J rushed over to the bed where Olly laid there doped up on meds. O.J snapped, "Oh you think you are fucking stupid? You trying to die on me. What the fuck was that?"

"Yeah because I wanted to be gutted like a fucking fish." Olly replied in a raspy ass voice.

"And its good to see yall too." Olly added as they all crowded around. He spotted Loso and smirked.

"Can Yall Please go and tell Grimm I am fine. I saw him in a weird dream when I was under the knife. He was saying goodbye and I must have thought I broke up with him and he is worried sick."

All three of them shared looks and stared back at him and O.J grabbed his hand and exhaled, "Its something we got to tell you."

"Spit it out! You are scaring me."

"Its about Grimm. He died." O.J confessed.


"Hi, I am Olyver Cartina, I am an ER doctor, here at Chicago Med. Though I only been here 7 months, it has been the most interactive, hands-on learning since I started in medical school all those years ago. Approving this budget for an OR in the ER would save many patients lives that come in that need immediate surgeries, especially heart ones. The Head of Cardio, Doctor Newman, here will be able to save many lives." Olyver spoke to the board of Chicago Med before being asked to leave. He took a deep breath and walked outside the doors. He paced the floor for about 2-3 minutes before Doctor Newman walked out. 45 years old and doesnt look a day over 30. Works out every day he has freetime. Brown skin complexion and an Aussie accent that have his wife swooned over him for the last 20 years.

"1.3 Billion dollars. Its a couple hundredgrand off but its approved. We should be up and running within the next 3-4 months." He confessed as Olyver hugged him and said, "YES!" Suddenly, Olyver pager went off and he said, "Its my patient! I got to go!" Olyver rushed down the stairs and into the 2 year old ER room.

OJ AND OLLY: A Year Later.Where stories live. Discover now