Mother In The Middle

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"Be careful that's Alfred's favorite spoon." Yonah glared, giving her mother a sarcastic smile, she still wasn't over the fact that her mother had returned as if nothing was even wrong, but now here she was cooking in Alfred's kitchen. "Sweetie, I've been cooking in this kitchen since I was 15." Yazela laughed obnoxiously, "You can lick the spoon, it was always your favorite as a little girl," giving her a reassuring smile."I am a grown woman ." Yonah grumbled, before grabbing the spoon and licking it "I'm only doing this because of the fact I'm hungry," Yazela had a plan to stay a few days just so she could get to know her daughter.

"Look hopefully breakfast is great, I gotta go," Yonah yawned, walking out of the kitchen,

"You're not staying for breakfast?" Yazela asked,

"You've dealt with Harvey, and the GCPD I can't be late, I don't like late!"

Yazela began to hum to herself, stirring the ingredients to what was once Alfred's infamous apple pie. She knew it would be one of the only ways to win her Bruce back, or so she thought, "Alfred- Yazela?" Bruce questioned, hearing her humming from down the hall "Why is that if it weren't Selina in the kitchen, it was you." he questioned watching her still "Have you seen Yonah,"

"She just left," giving Bruce her saddest look, "Does she always leave during breakfast." pouring the pie filling into the tin "Or is that a new occurrence?" giving the bowl to Bruce as she put him to work, "Start cleaning!" reaching past him to get to the powdered sugar. "Don't start pouting either." laughing at Bruce who was trying not to smile,

"You can't be serious." Bruce rolled his eyes at her as she glared at him, "You're serious."

"Very." she laughed, looking up at Bruce, "Now get back to work."

It was a slow day in the precinct, which was a rarity in Gotham, Yonah sat in her office reading over her current cases waiting for the phone to ring, In her mind, she had hoped it was maybe The Joker, but instead, it was just another complaining lady who Yonah hung the phone on, it was only 10:54 in the morning and the day already felt like a painfully slow week going by the speed of molasses. The phone began to ring, picking it up there was finally someone interesting to save, or so she hoped, GCPD this is Detective Wayne speaking?" she said, "Great you answered," Barry smiled, his hands on a test tube,"Why wouldn't I answer Mr. Allen?" She replied, seeing Jim take another stroll around the offices."Well, I found a bit of evidence that pertains to a case of yours?" he sighed, "Thing is I'm not sure when the results will come in. " Yonah still, however, began to get antsy and excited over his findings, "Anything I might recognize though?" her tone hopeful for him and his findings."Well, there was a body covered in cat-like scratches the body seemed to have been dead for at least 2 hours so still slightly fresh cuts," Barry shrugged writing his findings down, "Seemed to be a middle-aged male, a banker?" reality had set back in Yonah had just realized that Myra was in Central City for vengeance. "Anything else about him or skeptical?" she replied, writing down any wide range of bankers that Myra hadn't gotten along with, "Brian Kelisi." Barry readout, Brian was Myra's dad who had disappeared from her existence when she was born. He didn't want the burden of a bastard child from a prostitute in Gotham and nearly left her for dead after killing her mother, Yonah read further into the file she found about him, "He was also a conman as well as a scammer." she began taking photos even from the files, "any more murders like this?""No, however from the smell of it arsenic was involved?" he grinned, "heated arsenic how did she?""Don't ask questions you don't want to know." she laughed, thinking back to when Alfred taught her. She could feel it, that this case was bound to be solved, and nothing was stopping them from sending her away to Arkham. "Any traces of cyanide? you'll know it'll like almonds," she suggested."For someone who didn't know the answer to Wells question, you sure know a lot about chemicals." he let out a small laugh, sniffing the substance on his hand finding that it smelt like almonds, "She's right," he mumbled,"The answer needed to be multiplied by 6 gigawatts, Barry." replying nonchalantly to his question, Yonah looked down at her watch, realizing she not only would be late for dinner but the fact she had been there all day, Yonah yawned walking outside keys in hand and her gun holstered on her hip, "I'll talk to you later on tonight unless you wanna-" before she could finish Barry was standing next to her already dressed out of his work clothes. "You gotta move to Central." he laughed as she unlocked her car doors."I don't see why not, my clothes are in your closet." she winked, Barry slid an application on the dashboard as it caught Yonah's eye's, It seemed that Barry wanted Yonah to be with him so badly, but she didn't feel ready to move yet, "Barry we've talked about this." she glanced up at him, " I know what you're gonna say, but Gordon called Captain Singh he felt you'd be a good fit on our team, and." Yonah sighed, pulling into the driveway of the mansion, "Barry I can't just transfer in the middle of a case!" she glared at him, trying not to yell at him, "You've bought Barry !" Yazela giggled, holding a plate of cheesecake, "I made you plate dear, it's in the kitchen." brushing her off, Barry stood there smiling hoping Yazela wouldn't ask him the embarrassing mom questions, "So where is everyone ?" Barry asked Yazela shrugged walking back into the house as she kept cleaning, " They're on patrol?" spinning around in her apron like some Disney movie, "You think she's beautiful don't you, you should marry her!" Yazela nudged him causing Barry to blush, Yonah, on the other hand, had gone upstairs to rest she couldn't take being with her mother for not even one day she just wanted her home to herself, Bruce and, her siblings, If that were possible,"Sister is that you ?" Damian poked his head out of his room, "Yeah, it's me, little guy, " she laughed, ruffling up his hair "Shouldn't you be out on patrol?" confusion getting the best of her, "Let me guess my mother, that thing downstairs won't let you go." watching Damian who shook his head in agreement, "You sneak out, I'll cover for you." "You're the best!" he winked, She never was the one to confine him to his missions, besides she knew how he felt cooped in the mansion while Bruce gets to fight crime.."Please tell me she's leaving soon." "I wish I knew when." flopping on her bed, "Do you know she sings in the morning when she cooks!" pulling the pins out of her bun laying them onto her mini Batman rug."So do you" Barry smirked."She always likes to act like she knows everything about me! " Yonah groaned, punching her pillow feathers bursting out of it," I know I had that weird dream, but I'm still not considering loving her for leaving me," she mumbled, hands folded across her chest, " I just want things the way they used to be when I was happy, and I didn't know the world would care about every move I make." taking deep breaths she looked over at Barry who was silent. "You feel like the world is crumbling down on you, because you don't like what's happening,""Exactly like that." her heart pounding, "You try so hard to push that away from everything that made you feel like that and."" You wanna go for a run!" Barry asked, trying to change the subject,Yonah yawned, lounging about in her Flash pajamas, "You think a run will help me, Barry I need to vent not run away from my problems, I've been running all my life," She said looking up at her ceiling's that were covered with drapes that surrounded her bed,"Yonah what are you on about, you sound crazier than your dad roaming around in a bat-like car, what is this really about?" Barry asked, watching her expression change to something so soft and sudden. "When I was a little girl, I spent my years running around these halls hidden away from the lights of Gotham, from what my dad was hiding, It wasn't until I was older did I find out that hiding keeps you safe," looking at a picture from when she was 4 years old. "But what does that have to do with anything?" he asked, "My life is here in Gotham, it started here in Gotham, I'll leave when I'm ready." she grabbed him by the hands pulling him onto the bed with her strength, "I love you, I do, but one step at a time?""Sure." Yazela stood next to the door hearing the whole conversation, she related to how Yonah felt, but she didn't know that she was causing the same pain her mother gave her growing up. It was the reason that she ran away, after all, to be free from what her mother put her through." Hey, everything okay?" Bruce asked, startling Yazela, "Yeah, you need to stop sneaking up on people like that it gets boring," she laughed at him before kissing him on the cheek,

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