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Y/N's pov

     Shit... I grab Changbin and turn our backs toward them. He glares at me then looks back at the two in front of us. I hold on to him and shake my head pleading.

     "That's Jackson isn't it?" He asks sniffing the air. I cringe knowing deep down I'm going to get caught, "No, just don't bother or talk to him." I internally face palm at how unconvincing I sound. He sniffs again and growls.

"No it's definitely that asshole."

"Hey! He's not an asshole! Take that back!"

"Make me." He says smugly, smirking at me.

     Jackson turns around and I try to hide behind Changbin. My plan fails miserably of course. "Y/N?" I hear him call. I smile nervously and come out, "Jackson! Hey, funny seeing you here." I see Mark shake his head out of the corner of my eye.

     "I'm surprised you're out of the house." Jackson says chuckling. Changbin glares and growls, making Mark's eye go wide. Jackson however isn't affected. "Who's your friend?" He asks eying Changbin suspiciously.

"Oh he's just-"

     "I'm his boyfriend." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders, making me blush.

     Jackson raises his eyebrows then smirks. "I always new you had a thing for guys." He said patting my back. My eyes go wide, "N-no!" I say shaking my hands in front of my face, "It's not like that! I- we- we aren't dating we're just friends."

     "Of course we're dating what are you talking about?" Changbin lies innocently, kissing the top of my head.

"Changbin stop he's going to get the wrong idea." I whine.

     Jackson looks over at Changbin again and frowns, "Are those my clothes?" He asks pointing to the brat next to me.

     "Maybe? I don't know Y/N just said they were his roommate's when he gave them to me this morning. Mine were way too dirty from last night and obviously his we're too small. I couldn't go running around helping Y/N walk naked now could I?" Changbin says smirking.

     I cannot believe what I just heard, my face was red, Changbin's arm was around me, my eyes were wide, and he just implied that we slept together in front of my best friends. Mark looks at me internally panicking and gives me a 'We'll talk about this later' mom look. "Jackson our order is ready." He says dragging the glaring blonde away.

     I stare at the ground holding back embarrassed tears. "Are we going to order?" Changbin asks innocently as if he's done nothing. I was beyond mad at him, "Go back to the others I can carry these myself." I say quietly trying not to make a scene. "Nonsense I ca-" I cut him off with a glare, "Leave now and I might consider not kicking you out."

     He lets out a dog whimper and goes back slowly. I order and wait for the chicken going over what just happened in my head, not noticing someone walking up to me. "Okay you looked far to angry and embarrassed for that story to be true, but I still have a few questions." Mark asks pulling me out of my thoughts. "Where's Jackson I thought you too were on a date." I ask looking behind him. "We are I just said I was going to the bathroom. Now last time I checked humans don't make animal sounds so why did your friend sound like a dog when he growled specifically the dog who growled at me when I went into your room last night?" He asks with his hands on his hips.

     My heart stops, What am I supposed to tell him? He wouldn't believe me. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say crossing my arms. "Oh but I think you do." He says looking down at me. "You wouldn't believe me anyways." I say looking away from him. "Try me." He gets into me line of sight.

     I glare up at him and sigh, giving in when he doesn't give up. "They say they're hybrids. Basically they are animals that turn into humans, or vise versa? They were experimented on and say they were 'created' five years ago." I say looking straight into Marks eyes. "Okay you're right I don't believe you," He says making me give him a 'I told you' look, "yet, but who is they?"

     Just then 101 walks up to us "He's talking about us. The rest are sitting right over there." He says pointing at our table, "Hey Y/N, sorry about whatever 104 did to make you want to kick him out but we'll talk about that later. I came to help you with the food." He smiles at me and Mark looks at the table then back at us.

     "I'll see you at home, you guys eat." He smiles and leaves as our order number is called.

     I grab half, 101 grabs the other half and we head back to the table. I sit inbetween Bang Chan and 101 to the right of Chan is 109, by him is 105, Changbin is across from me, 107 next to him, then 103, 106 by 103, and 108 in between 101 and 106.

    Once we settle and everyone digs in, I see Changbin across from me and glare. He immediately cowards and scooches towards 107. This causes 107 to look at him then back at me. I shrug and eat my chicken avoiding the looks from the other hybrids.

     "Thank you for the clothes Y/N!" 101 chimes attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

"No problem, I hope you all had fun today." I reply smiling.

     They all nod and the atmosphere successfully lightens, conversations starting people laughing. It was back to the way things were before. No one was tense and the chicken on the table was disappearing at an alarming rate.

     I reach for another piece only to be met with a hand that was holding the last one. I look up to see 101 and sigh letting go. He chuckles and turns my head toward him holding up the chicken.

"Ah." He says raising his eyebrows.

"You can have it Woo-"

"Say Ah." He demands.

     I sigh and do as he says and he smile as feeds me the chicken happily. I smile at the cute bear wiggling in his seat. After I finish he stares at me smiling still.

"Woojin you're so cute." I say patting his head, his ears threatening to pop out of the hat.

     After nudging my hand for more pets he looks at me excitedly eyes glowing as he perks up.

"Woojin? Is that my name?" He asks as I nod, "I love it!"

I smile as he brings me into a tight bearhug.

Were back baby~
And blasting of with a wonderful pun

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