Chapter 2: The Princess becomes a Queen

Start from the beginning

Then Lola found the stairway and discovered there were two more floors down below.

The second floor seemed to be for storing stuff. The first door she went into was full of awards and trophies, twice as many as the ones in Lola's closet. There were three more bedrooms with no one currently living in them.

There was a room full of comfy furniture and tables.

And then there was the bottom floor, which had the kitchen, dining room, and lobby.

But the biggest surprise was when Lola journeyed out the back door and found the biggest outdoor swimming pool she had ever seen. Her jaw dropped at the sight of the beautiful water and it dropped even further when she turned around and saw her house from the outside. House? It was a mansion! Did she really live here? Was this where she was going to live someday? All this was hers!?

"Holey Shamoley, I'm a millionaire."

Then Lola's mouth broke into a wide smile. She began to jump up and down with excitement and squeal with glee. "I'm filthy rich!!!" she screamed with joy, and began doing the mother of all victory dances.

"Go Lola! Best future! Uh-huh, Uh-huh!"


Lola's new closet was full of designer clothes. She spent an hour trying them all on and finally settled on a red top with a blue mini skirt, black pumps, and a brown hat. She also put on a black lacy bra instead of the white one she had been sleeping in. Lola had never put on a bra before but she soon got the hang of it. The fact that her bras were a size bigger then Leni's was an added bonus.

She looked at herself in the mirror and took stock, "Prettier than Leni? Check. Bigger and stronger than Lynn? That hard stomach, strong biceps and firm butt say Check. More talented than Luna and Luan? Let's check those trophies again, yes I think that's a check. Smarter than Lisa? Well, i'm rich and have no wedding ring so I must be doing something right. Check. More responsible than Lori? uhhhhhhh...yeah sure, we'll check that. Nicer than Lincoln? hm..."

Lola cast her eyes at some of the picture near the bathroom and saw one that had her shaking hands with a business man outside a building that said, "Red Cross."

"Giving money to charity! Niceness is a check."  

Then she went downstairs and made herself some breakfast and here she had her first unpleasant surprise. The fridge was full of fruits, vegetables and weird health foods. The cupboards didn't have any cookies or candy. Not even a bag of chips. It was all low calorie biscuits and crackers. Lola frowned at all of this but then remembered she had planned on becoming a model one day. Of course she's watching her weight, a body this good doesn't maintain itself. So Lola pulled out some lean ham, butter, pickles, non-fat cheese and made herself a sandwich for breakfast.

Throughout all of this, Lola had been thinking to herself as to how all of this is possible and she came up with the following conclusions.

1) She had been a very bad girl yesterday.

2) She wished she could be the best sister ever so that she could fix her mistake

3) It was her birthday

4) Now she was in the future.

Therefore, because it had been her birthday, the magic birthday spirits had decided to grant Lola's wish and give her a second chance. Now that she was a grown up and living in the future, she can find out how to fix her birthday. No Wait! This is the future, her birthday happened a long time ago. She probably didn't need to fix anything! All she had to do was find Lana and ask her what happened after the birthday party. Then she would know that everything would be okay. Simple. Nothing more than a quick visit. She could see how the rest of her family turned out as well. Then she could spend the rest of the day having fun.

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