"And my darling...stubborn ass daughter will not be accompanying you?"

"Of course not," I chuckle despite the ache clenching my heart tightly from the idea of visiting Sicily without Regina. "How dare you suggest she leaves her patients during the busy season."

"One day your sarcasm will run out and then what will you be left with my dear?"

"A broken heart," I breathe and instantly stop packing my suitcase. I slump down onto my bed and exhale out all my anguish.

After a brief moment of silence Cora speaks up again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you my dear. Let's discuss your flight, when will you be arriving?"

I fall onto my back and stare aimlessly up at the ceiling above. "We should be arriving around nine in the morning. It's been sometime since the kids have been on a plane so I thought an overnight flight would suit us best."

"Are they nervous about the travel?"

"Noah is a little bit, he doesn't really remember ever being on a plane, otherwise the others don't seem to mind."

"We will be at the airport waiting for you all to arrive." A small squeal escapes my mother in law's lips. "We are overjoyed to spend the next two weeks together. It's been far too long my dear."

"I know ma. I miss Sicily so much. Would you believe that I actually miss being on a horse," at the acknowledgement we both chuckle softly, a giddy grin breaking across my lips.

"I'm sure Bandit will take to your family rather quickly," Cora comments and I can just hear the smile dancing across her mouth.

"I can't wait to take the guy out," I confirm and day dream about the wind in my hair and leaving all my worries behind me as I race toward the sunset of that old familiar field.


"Are you sure you can't come mama?" Noah modestly inquires as he peers up at his other mother. His green eyes are blinking, batting those long thick eyelashes, persuading Regina's mind to follow him.

"I'm sorry honey, I have to work," she concludes and pulls our youngest into a tight hug. Her soft pink lips are for once free of makeup as they linger in our son's shaggy hair. "I'll see you as soon as you come back," she vows before Noah pulls away and swings his backpack over his shoulders.

Regina takes her time hugging and kissing our children goodbye while I stand off to the side twitching like some caffeine junkie. My stomach is flipping sending wave after wave of nausea to crash through my body. This isn't right. Nothing about this moment is right in my mind.

Sicily is our place. That's where Regina and I fell madly in love. Where we spent an entire summer enveloped in each other's arms, learning every secret and detail that made us who we are. Our place where our first son was born and Regina proposed. Our place where we were wed and vowed to spend the rest of our days just as much in love and proving that eternal love for the rest of our lives.

Instead, we've parted ways. Broke our vows. Destroyed our love and happiness. And now, I'm on my way to our home, without the one person who should be by my side every step of the way.

"Please call me when you land," Regina pleads with her fears pulsating in those big brown eyes.

I blink away my train of thought and nod politely. "Of course," I murmur and gather our luggage to push through this awkward moment. I just need to force some space between us before I lose my mind.

Andante, Andante: Please Don't Let Me Down Where stories live. Discover now