Chapter 2: You choose the battle, and I'll start the War!

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The train pulled into the station at Hogwarts, and I jumped off once it came to a stop. I started to walk up and say hi to Hagrid, but for some reason I was frozen in my tracks.

I heard laughter in the background, I figured out I was petrified... and I think I know who did it. 

James laughter roared over all the others who joined him. The peoples laughs I recognized were Alice, Lily, Marlene, Karen, Sirius, Peter, Fabian, Gideon, Walter Woods, and Frank all laughed. 

Out of all them I could barely hear Remus mutter the counter spell and take pity on me.

"James Charles Potter!" I yelled, turned around and started marching up to my prankster friend.

"Uh-oh Prongs your in trouble." Sirius cackled.

If looks could kill Sirius would be dead, but my glare was enough to have him hide behind Remus.

James looked down at me with a smirk. "Whats wrong Hawk-eye?"

"You need to know when to pick your battles, because if we were going to have a pranking battle I'd win every time. You are always going to lose to me."

"Meaning what my dearest mother." He mocked me. I crossed my arms as the crowd started to leave, one of the people leaving was Lily.

"It would cost you red-flower." Red-flower is the code name James and I came up over the summer for Lily.

James gasped, not in a joking way but from fear. "You wouldn't!"

"Try me." 

James looked from Lily to me over and over again. "Okay you win." James knelt down and grabbed my legs. 


"Don't you ever try to leave me K.Trina never ever ever ever. You hear me! I need you, I'll be nice to you for now on."

"Yeah." I lowered my hand down to his head and pushed him off me. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Hold it and hit the pause button then freeze my dear Maurders." Gideon held up his hands pleading for us to stop.

"What is it Gid?" Sirius asked.

"Well Katri was talking about James starting a battle... why not we have a pranking war! All 5 Maurders against each other all year pulling off the best pranks they can think of, and in the end, there will be a reward." Gideon suggested to us.

"That's a good idea, but I still want to prank with my dudes," I said wrapping my arms around James and Sirius's waist.

"Oh don't get me wrong you guys can still be your Maurders team, but to the side do some other pranks." He said. "Plus we can finally figure out who is the brains behind the pranks and who has the skill behind the group."

"Why do you question Gid when the obvious answer is me," I said with a grin.

"Uh excuse your mouth young lady." Sirius puts his hand to my forehead and shoved me back.

"Hey! You little bitch."

"Ah! Now your grounded young lady. Not only did you use bad words but improper grammar! When you said the obvious answer was you, you actually meant to say my name."

"Well, then I guess the challenge is on!" James announced to the world. "Now what kind of prize are we talking about?" 

"I don't know. You guys decide among yourselves. Let me know and I'll round up a few judges so it will be fair." He said and walked away leaving us alone.

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