⚡️10⚡️- Bugs that would suit other names

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"I told you, Esmeralda De Zombie sucks at riding a broom." Esmeralda reminded Benjamin as she wobbled after him.

Benjamin turned around, jogging backwards, "Oh, I don't know, you seem fairly alike Esmeralda De Casseres and not Esmeralda De Zombie at the moment."

Esmeralda wrinkled her nose and said, "Don't be too sure about that, maybe you've never even met the real Esmeralda De Casseres, maybe you've only met Esmeralda De Zombie."

Benjamin turned around again and continued jogging. "If you say so, but I believe you're not as tired as you were half an hour ago, am I right?"

Esmeralda dangerously wobbled on her broom, only to gain balance again after five minutes. "You're partly correct by a minuscule percentage, which I estimate is around 0,01. It doesn't make much of a difference."

"Maybe a little higher percentage, maybe 0,1?" Benjamin suggested, his breath was slightly heavier now.

Esmeralda pursed her lips. "I'll give you 0,05, but nothing higher okay?"

Benjamin drew a deep breath before answering, "The battle isn't yet won."

An hour later, Esmeralda had finally mastered the skill of not wobbling too much on her broom, so there was no longer a critical danger of her crashing into a tree, much to Benjamin's dismay as he'd been looking rather forward to it.

The two stopped by the Quidditch Pitch where Esmeralda put back the school broom into the broom cupboard where she on her way out could make out the small figures of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, who for some obscure reason had decided to practice at such an early hour as this.

Deciding that she didn't feel like watching Benjamin jogging past her by the black lake every ten minutes while trying to fill the time in between devoted to breaking leaves apart only to throw them at Benjamin when he jogged past her, she sat down on one of the benches in the tribune, trying to sleep again.

Ten minutes into the Gryffindor team's practice, Esmeralda gave up on her hopeless attempt at sleeping and decided to watch the Gryffindors play, which at the moment they did not, they seemed to be hovering in the air talking to each other and pointing at someone on the other side of the pitch.

Esmeralda watched in interest as the Gryffindor team quarrelled about something making them unable to spot a group of students strutting towards them in bottle green robes holding brooms in their right hands.

Even Esmeralda was so absorbed in their quarrel, she didn't even notice when Luna sneaked onto her, sitting casually down beside her, which made Esmeralda yelp in shock before smiling.

"I believe I saw some Nargles and Wrackspurts around here just a second ago, you didn't by any chance see or feel their presence?" Luna asked in her usual dreamy voice, not making eye contact, but rather searching the pitch for something with her eyes.

"Not really, Luna, sorry. What are they anyway?" Esmeralda asked.

Luna stared into Esmeralda's eyes, creeping her out a bit. "They're bugs that I figured would suit other names."

Esmeralda frowned. "So what's so special about them then?" Esmeralda asked her in curiosity.

Luna thought for a long while, making Esmeralda think she had already forgotten her question when she answered, "It's fun messing with peoples minds, especially when they just look at you in confusion."

"You know, I'm starting to like you even more, by every second you talk, no wonder Gilderoy got you into our group," Esmeralda said in awe.

Luna opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by the loud arguing of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, who had just met the Slytherin and they did not look any pleased at all.

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