chapter 2

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author note

sorry for taking my time on uploading. i was going through writer block, ill try to update more frequently from now on

story begins

Taika point of view

As I look down to strange old man hugging me, I awkwardly tried removing myself from the hug. I looked up and saw Youko and Makato having the same issue as me. Except Youko was looking down to the Emo kid emotionlessly while Makato was looking through the blond kid wallet, taking some money and ramen coupon. -_-‘’

“hey Youko!”

Both Youko and I looked at Makato while Youko just give Makato I-am-kinda-busy-what-the-hell-do-you-want look. Makato just smiled and pointed at the Emo looking kid.

“Youko, at least we know that emoness gene runs in your family”

Youko eye was twitching while I just face palmed. Everyone else just sweat dropped at her comment.

“Makato, emoness is not a word. It look like stupidity runs in your family”, Youko said smirking at her.

“Youko what do you mean by family. I don’t think I have any sibling, if I do if can’t remember them”

Youko just face palm and pointed to the blonde boy. “you look just like him. I’m guessing he is your brother”

“Nee-chan, you don’t remember me? It’s me, Naruto, your little brother”


 “Makato you’re so stupid”

“Shut up, Emo. Don’t go cut yourself”

“I’m not Emo, Makato”

“Whatever, you could fool me. i think your puppet, that why you don’t have or show emotions. I’m so clever”

“I don’t have time to speak to losers”

“What did you call me?”

I sighed as I saw that Youko and Makato was about to get into their ‘friendly’ fight which normally end up with me stopping the fight with a ‘friendly’ punch and healing them afterward. I sighed and looked down to the old man.

“, who are you and why the hell are you hugging me?”

He looked up at me, tearing running down his eyes, “don’t you remember me, musume? I’m your dad”


Taika point of view

I was 7 year old and was running around the hidden leaf village, hiding from my sensei.  I thought it would be funny to try do a medical jutsu on him but it jutsu kind of went wrong. I was meant to heal his chest wound but I...erm... kind of made boobs grow on his chest. He he, my bad

“There you are, Taika!”

I turned around and saw an angry Ibiki behind me. i couldn’t help but laugh. I’m tough mean looking Ibiki dressed in black with massive boobs.

“Hi Ibiki, how are you today”

He just got irk mark and started walking towards me with murderous intent.

“Erm... Ibiki-sensei I did heal your injuries, erm so you can’t erm be angry”

“Yes i allowed you to heal my wound. NOT BLOODY HELL GIVE MY BREAST!!! I’m going to kill y....”

Ibiki didn’t even get to finish his sentence, because I was already running away laughting. I saw a flash of white and ran toward it screaming.

“Dad, Ibiki going to kill me, help me!”

The person slowly toward around, and smiled as i ran towards him. He caught me as I ran toward him, giving me a bear hug.

“What did you do this time?” I couldn’t help but smile sheepishly. “I didn’t do anything, dad! I’m good girl!”

“Is that so Taika??? You didn’t have nothing to do with me getting breast?!!!”

 I turned around seeing Ibiki behind me, closing his arm. Dads just sweat dropped at the comment.

“Erm Ibiki look at the good side, when you’re in battle if you fall down, it can cushion your fall”

Ibiki just grabbed dad and put a kunai to his throat

“Jiraiya if you weren’t a legendary sannin, i would kill you” Ibiki said, slowly letting go of my dad

“Ibiki-sensei leave dad alone, you could go to mum for help or I could try and fix it”

Ibiki just looked at me and scowl. “You caused this by trying to heal a scratch. No way in hell would I let you heal me”

I smiled and scratch the back of my neck sheepishly. “it wasn’t a small scratch, it was a long shallow cut”

“it’s okay, Taika, you only tried to help. Ibiki, Tsuanda would gladly help you with your erm issue. While Taika going to help me with my research”

Ibiki started to grumble something about idiots and brat as he walked away.

“Musume, do you want to help daddy with his new book”

“Mum said not to help you anymore or she going to kill you”

Flashback end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2012 ⏰

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