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Mr. S walked in the classroom.

"Alright look alive! Listen up. First thing you do when you start a band-"

Summer raised her hand.

"Um Mr. Schneebly, before we start, shouldn't i first take attendance?"


Summer got up with a clipboard.

"Ok, now. Michelle?"


"Ok, and Marko?"


"Summer, here. I know you're here Zelda. Ok, let's see Tomika?"

"Ok, we're all here! First thing you do when you start a band is talk about your influences."

This should be fun.

"That's how you figure out what kind of band you wanna be so who do you like?"

Marta raised her hand.


"Christina Aguilera."

"Who? No, come on! What."

Leonard raised his hand.

"You, Short Stop."

"Puff Daddy."


Billy raised his hand.


"Liza Minnelli?"

"What, you guys, this project is called Rock Band! We're talking about bands that rock...Led Zeppelin."

We were silent. Bowie is my influence, I'm just too shy to speak up.

"Don't tell me you guys have never gotten the Led out. Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, ring any bells? What about Sabbath, ACDC, Motorhead? Oh, what do they teach in this place!?"

"Well, there is one person who likes this music," Summer said.


"We nickname Zelda, Bowie Girl on occasions."

"Bowie? As in David Bowie? Ziggy Stardust? Thin White Duke?" He asked me.

I nodded.

"Zelda, I never really get to hear you talk. Why didn't you say before?"

"She's introverted," Freddy said.

"She's like that, but if you get to know Zelda, she's pretty cool. You'll hear that she likes..."

I had to say something.

"Bowie, Queen, Rolling Stones, The Doors, The Scorpions, Sex Pistols, Fleetwood Mac, just to name a few."

Mr. S was amazed.


I smiled shyly.

"I got myself a favorite!" He pointed at me.

Awkward silence for a couple seconds.

"Ok, Summer, you're the class whatever, go to the board."


Summer stood up and walked to the board.

"Factoter. New schedule, 8:15 to 10...rock history, 10 to 11...rock appreciation and theory, and then band practice til the end of the day."

"What about math?" Frankie asked.

" No. Not important."

"World cultures?" Eleni asked.

"Not important! You guys, we need to focus here. Don't you wanna win this contest, it's prestigious?"

Summer turned to Mr. S.

"Question, are we gonna be graded on all this?"

"Summer, if you grade grub one more time, I will send you back to the first grade, you got it? Back to your seat now."


Summer sat back down.

"We will get started, we could start by writing a song. I could do a song which I wrote."

"Let's hear it," Frankie said.


"Let's hear your song."

"Um, it's not done yet. So-"

"Just play the song Schneebly!" Freddy said.

"Ok, I will sing it for you. Let me just get in the zone. I wasn't planning on unveiling it but I'll do it."

He started making weird noises.

"Tip of the tongue, teeth, and the lips."

He made a weird noise again. He took out a device, he pressed it and imitated the pitch.

"Ok. It starts off, a dark stage and then a beam of light and you can see me and my guitar."

(A/N: See the video above. I'm kinda lazy on this. :))

"That's all i got so far, it's a work in progress."

"I liked it Mr. Schneebly, I thought it was really catchy," Summer said.

"Thank you."

At the end of the day, Mr. S gave us homework.

"Your homework is to listen to some real music, getting inspired. For Blondie, Blondie. For Lawrence, Yes, that's the name of the band, listen to the keyboard solo on Roundabout, it will blow the classical music out your butt."

Freddy was next.

"For you, Rush 2112, Neil Pert, one of the great drummers of all time,study up."

"Are we gonna be goofing off like this everyday?"

"We're not goofing off, we're creating ,musical fusion."

"Well are we gonna be creating musical fusion everyday?"

"Yeah, get used to it."

Zack was next.

"For you, Jimi Hendrix, Axis, Bold As Love. Dude, are you psyched about the new project?"


"Sure? Hey wait, what's going on? You're an unbelievable guitarist of a unbelievable rock band! It's a dream come true for you."


"Alright, I'll see ya."

I was next.'

"Ok, Zelda. The Monkees Greatest Hits, listen closely to Davy on the tambourine, ok."

I nodded.

"Ok? It's ok, speak up, don't be shy."


"Alright, have a good day."

"You too."

I left the classroom.

Bowie Girl (A School Of Rock Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now