Rock Band

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We came back in the classroom. There was instruments,  two electric guitar, one of which Mr. S was playing. There was a drum set, bass guitar, piano, and a tambourine.

"Mr. S, what's going on?" Michelle asked. 

"I heard you in music class, you guys can really play. Why didn't anyone tell me!? You."

He pointed at Zack.

"What's your name?"


"You play the guitar?"


"Ok come here."

Zack walked to him.

"Do you play an electric guitar?"

"Dad won't let me, he thinks it's a waste of time."

"A waste of-"

He got one of the electric guitars.

"Try this one."

Zack got the guitar and wrapped the strap around him.

"Here's the guitar pick. We're gonna try something. Follow me if you can."

Mr. S played a riff of Iron Man by Black Sabbath, Zack followed. He played Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple, he followed. Then, he played Highway To Hell by ACDC. 

"Stop, good. Piano man, front and center."

Lawrence got up.

"Do you play keyboards, any techno?"

"No, I only play piano."


Lawrence was at the piano. Mr. S got some sheet music.

"Here's some music. Let's give this a try on my count. Ready, one two three four!"

Lawrence played the beginning of Touch Me by The Doors.

"Come on come on come on come on now, touch me babe. Can't you see, that I am not afraid. Lawrence is good at piano, he shall be rockin in my show. Stop that's perfect, you're perfect, stay right there."

He pointed at Katie.

"You, could you come up here please."

Katie got up and walked.

"What's your name?"


"Katie, what was that you were playing, the big thing?"


"Ok, this is a bass guitar. It's the exact same thing, but instead of playing like this, you tip it on the side, cello, you got a bass. Try it on. Ok, play this note right here, that's a G. Let your fingers do the rocking, keep that G coming all dat long. GGGGGGGGG, good stop. Are there any drummers in the house?"

"I play percussion," Freddy said.

"Yeah cause he couldn't play anything else," Frankie said.

"Shut up."

"Come here dude."

Freddy walked to Mr. S.

"Just see if you can do what I do. Give it a try."

Mr. S tapped the first drum four times, the second one four times, and the symbol once.

"Ok. Give that a try."

Freddy did the same thing but more aggressive,

"Ok! That's really good. Last but not least, tambourine. You with the red hair, I saw you. What's your name?" He pointed at me.

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